Posted by Driftwood

Bruja (#426156)

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Posted on
2023-11-12 13:50:16
Howdy! This is a first for me, so please bear with me while I sort things out. Super excited about the prospect of a pirate-y themed event expansion, and I wanted to try my hand at base design; the results are as follows!

It would be classed as a Cream Light Countershaded, most likely paired with Fallow or Sandy skin. I'm seeing this as an applicator skin. It could also conceivably be a BO, I just don't have factors in mind at the moment. I may tweak it some more depending on interest, I may also work on some other coat ideas on the pirate theme if I find time. Let me know what you think!

This suggestion has 4 supports and 6 NO supports.

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Edited on 12/11/23 @ 13:55:02 by Bruja (#426156)

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