Posted by Add GB/SB Icons to Branch Prices

oceanbiu (#118862)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-11-25 17:38:11
Title says most of my point, I think!

Currently, placing an item on your branch looks like this...

...which is VERY easily misread, leading to many users (including myself) setting the wrong price for an item.

I propose it look something like this instead:

This way, there's far more distinction between the price fields, and those with reading/vision-based disabilities can more easily differentiate between them and price their items correctly.

This suggestion has 57 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 30/11/23 @ 01:15:33 by fishface (#118862)

🦎Rango (Main) G7
NRLC Murky (#334921)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2023-12-01 18:46:59
Yes! I was just thinking about this the other day as I have accidentally selected the wrong currency multiple times. This would be very helpful, support.

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