Posted by Breeding Cyclopia cubs

{ Sad Zib } (#323932)

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Posted on
2023-11-26 17:04:53
Uhhhhhhhh, can I have some help with breeding a cyclopia cub? I have many low fertility females, but i wanted to know if anyone could provide a list of items that could help. If anybody has guides, items, tips, or anything that could help, please let me know. THANKSS :D

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Con (G2 Torn) (#146481)

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Posted on
2023-11-26 19:00:28
The items that can help you are (in order of ascending cost/effectiveness):

* Cotton Root Bark; costs 1 GB in Oasis
* Lion Meat; costs 300 monkey teeth, is a possible reward from the 'claim 50 lionesses' quest, can be bought for 2000 SB during January
* GMO Cow; costs 150 JB during September

CRB can be used in combination with Lion Meat or GMO Cow, but you need to use the CRB first.

If you're not picky about what lion produces the cyclopia cub (aka, you're not trying to breed one with specific markings, base, eyes, etc), the easiest and cheapest way is to load up on CRB and use them on tons of NCLs until you get what you're looking for. This will likely take a long time, as cyclopia is a very rare mutation, but it will be cheaper in the long run than GMO Cows or Lion Meat.

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{ Sad Zib } (#323932)

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Posted on
2023-11-26 19:28:03
Thanks :D

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🌈CC✨ -Autistic
BO Breeder- (#438339)

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Posted on
2023-11-26 19:33:10
Please note that with the amount of money you'd spend on items and mass breeding it may be easier to just buy an already frozen cylopia cub. The chances for lethals are so slim that people with 1000+ CRBs haven't gotten one.

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