Posted by Drawing prompt the game

Knuhm Quad rosette (#297641)

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Posted on
2023-11-26 20:31:10
I'm not really sure what board to put this on but I randomly thought it would be helpful if you could get a random prompt from somebody when you have art block or just don't have ideas

Alright so basically one person says a random object, animal, celebrity or whatever eg. Frog, smoke, lightsaber etc i will try to maybe add more of a game or contest option soon

you can draw whatever you think of be as wild and creative as you want, you do not have to do what the person above you said

I can try to list all the prompts in a comment if you guys want

also you do not have to show what you drew if you don't want to I would love to see them but I understand not everyone likes showing their drawings.

I'll start with one that I got from someone else
Malabar giant squirrel

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Edited on 26/11/23 @ 20:31:42 by g4 mummyx2 ros ferus (#297641)

𝔱 (#379818)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2023-11-28 14:47:20
Creepy goat with a fork

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