Posted by G2 3k Ferus

Panik | Natural G1
Haze (#71781)

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Posted on
2023-12-01 10:46:19
Would like a price check on this guy:

Would 500gb be too much? Too little? Used a Muk, bought a high stat gal, and a ton of honeycombs. He’s still patrolling, gains around 200-300 stats every 12 days.

Any help is welcome.

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Wyn| G1 Purple BO (#344111)

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Posted on
2023-12-03 11:56:30
Honestly, I think you could ask for more than 500 GB. I'm by no means an expert, but I did see someone selling a G2 Felis cub with around 1800 stats for 600 GB (if I remember correctly) a while back. Considering you have to pay at least 200 GB to even breed a G2 Ferus and yours have higher stats, I'd say you could probably sell it for 600-800 GB. G2 Ferus usually go for a lot, and especially a high stat one.

I have absolutely no experience selling or buying high stat primals myself though, so take my words with a grain of salt.

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Edited on 03/12/23 @ 12:03:21 by Wyn|G3 9xBO Anubis (#344111)

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