Posted by Trade search+ Overall
🍀Lucky🍀 (#354904)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-12-06 12:01:26
Before I began playing on lioden I used to play on Wolvden.. and now I can say I play on lioden and don’t touch wolvden ^^’ but I often compare a lot of points between the two websites, and I think one big difference that wolvden has and lioden does not is a bigger search filter in trade center.

When it comes to searching for a lion you have all these different options, which is understandable as every lion is unique and specifics is a need to find what you’re looking for, but when it comes to items.. we only have 2 technical search boxes, and only a few options to change our results

Often I go to trade center with the hopes of finding someone who is looking for something, an item, that I have, but with our current filters I quickly feel like it’s a waste of my time, especially since most of the trades on the front page are of or for lions, when I am someone who does not have very many lions to offer and trade, especially not for much.

I propose that either the search filters should be modified to something akin to wolvden’s (though I forgot what it looks like, I haven’t played in forever unfortunately), or possibly a whole rework of the trade center, including an option or way to mark a trade post as looking for something, rather than simply trading something, which I could see be benefiting for sorting through trades to find the right one, rather than hand picking through hundreds of pages and thousands of trades for it.

This suggestion has 1 support and 4 NO supports.

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Corruptedhyena (#243378)

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Posted on
2023-12-06 12:22:31
i havent seen wolvdens trade center but as far as im concerned the trade center is mostly fine. trades on the front page all are based on what is bumped or most recently made. the reason items are not often on the trade center is because branches is for that. Personally i like the difference and find branches much more reliable than the trade center for tiems.

Im a little confused on what specfically you are talking about

EDIT: i see what your talking about now But honestly it seems like a waste to me. I think the trading center is fine personally. For items it is best to use branches, and if your looking for something its easy to offer a bunch of stuff and say in the description what your looking for

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Edited on 06/12/23 @ 12:46:54 by Corruptedhyena (#243378)

🍀Lucky🍀 (#354904)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-12-06 15:02:04
I get that, but at the same time I feel you don’t entirely understand that when I’m searching, I’m basically looking for any trades that may be looking for something I have, and I do not often know the prices of the things I want to trade (and chat seems to be ignoring me a lot these days), so I want somewhere where I can go through the things people are looking for. And personally, I find branch sales a little useless as it’s just… a trading center 2.0 except people can’t make offers with items or lions, and you have limited space to put items up for sale

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Corruptedhyena (#243378)

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Posted on
2023-12-06 16:46:13
Well for the price you just look at branches. Branches is usually always the price items are at. As for looking for things, it is enough to just put them for trade and see what people offer or put them in branches for pure gb or sb.

Branches will normally always be lower than trade center which is why users largely rely on branches for item pricing. You can also just search the name of the trade and put the item your looking to offer. If someone's looking for something they will likely put it in the name.

To me there is just no reason to redo a trading center that's already fine and that you can do what yoy want to do. As long as you know how to do it then yoy cam find anything you want if it's for sale.

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EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2023-12-06 19:13:08
I don’t really understand what you’re proposing- can you be more specific about what filters you want? I don’t play WD and a lot of its features aren’t really transferrable to LD anyways.

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