Posted by Savable "Outfits"

Bruja (#426156)

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Posted on
2023-12-09 12:07:28
In the glitz and glamor of new holiday decor items, I realized that I have to decide whether dressing my king up festively for the season is worth eating up a use of his "default" decor, which I would be putting back on him after the new year. Wouldn't it be nice if you could preserve those slots instead?

My idea is similar to how the wardrobe functions with designing lions, and being able to save designs for later. Preferably all lions, but priority being Kings would get 3-5 save slots for decor sets that could be toggled between. Items used in those saves would be removed from the Equipper pool for the rest of the Pride, and would lose a use only when removed from the save file.

I think this would be a neat way to preserve those rare or expensive decors and backgrounds that might otherwise never get used for the sake of their own preservation.

This suggestion has 13 supports and 0 NO supports.

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