Posted by | Cyanide's Hard Mode Project |
Cyanide 🌒 {Cream Lover} (#27473) Interstellar View Forum Posts Posted on 2023-12-10 17:50:59 |
Title is a joke :D SO because I hate myself, I'm going to start a personal hard mode breeding project. This thread is to track rules for myself as well as a place to put allowed markings/bases/eyes/skins so I can actually find them when I need them 🙃 this is not to be confused with the official hard mode breeders, I dont know their rules. This is hard mode for me specifically. If anyone else wants to try it they can! Otherwise you can just watch me suffer. This project will begin either when I finish my current project or give up on him and chase everyone and start over. Again. 🫠 Hopefully this will be a way to share NCL Exclusive love! Maybe give our wonderful art team some incentive to give us more NCL BO traits, maybe not, but plan is to keep it relaxed and fun :3 ✨Rules✨ - NCL Exclusive and Groupies Only - All project kings must be G1 (steps may be kinged but may not breed until heritage replaced) - No inbreeding - No obvious chased (exception: chased groupies allowed) ✨Bases✨ Asali, Dhahabi, Maziwa, Mobola - NCL Abyssinian, Damu, Nudar, Ripe, Sahara, Sunspot, Wine - Groupies Celestial, Dawn, Jellyfish, Leonid, Prismatic, Sidereal, Skyward, Stratosphere, Sunrise, Sunset - Celestial Lionesses Bandit, Outlaw, Ruffian, Scoundrel, Ukame, Vagabond - Maneater Studs Note: any natural fail is allowed, just not preferred. ✨Eyes✨ Albinoid, Burnish, Celadon, Ceramic, Chamotte, Clay, Cordovan, Daisy, Dove, Dunt, Faience, Gazania, Glass, Glaze, Hyacinth?, Iris, Maroon, Mire, Pearl, Rose, Rose Ebony, Rose Quartz, Smalti, Terracotta - NCL/Breeding from NCLs (event and breed unique) Apricot, Banana, Cosmic, Dawn, Draconid, Grape, Hets, Neutron, Preon, Starshine, Stellar, Sunglow - Groupies/Celestial Lionesses Sectorals - Combos Note: Breed Unique must be bred from Exclusives as they do not occur naturally on NCLs (UNLESS on a groupie). - *Burnish from Glaze, Clay from Chamotte or Terracotta, Faience from Ceramic, Dunt from Tessera, Mire from Terracotta, Rose Ebony from Smalti, Rose Quartz from Cordovan or Glaze* Note: July eyes ONLY allowed from Celestial Lionesses, exception Cosmic, may be combo bred as a natural result of parent eyes IF parent/s are NCL derived. ✨Manes✨ Pariah, Savage, Tsavo - Maneater Royal - Combo Royal is a combo, so to allow for combo breeding mane apps may be used ONLY until Royal passes. For aesthetic reasons I'll probably use Barbary or Sideburn. Barbary x Hellraiser/Sideburn/Thick/Tufted Sideburn x Hellraiser/Thick/Tufted Colors; Clay, Copal, Marigold - NCL Exclusives ✨Markings✨ Back (Clay, Copal), Belly (Cinnabar, Marigold), Brindle (Clay, Copal), Coat (Cinnabar, Copal), Face (Cinnabar, Clay, Copal, Marigold), Inverted Brindle (Cinnabar, Marigold), Inverted Cover (Almond, Bone, Cinnabar, Coral, Cream, Marigold, Quartz, Royal, Saffron, Shell, Silky, White), Leg Banding (Cinnabar, Clay, Copal, Marigold), Luster (Cinnabar, Marigold), Marozi (Cinnabar, Copal), Mask (Clay, Copal), Paws (Clay), Points (Cinnabar, Clay, Copal, Marigold), Roan (Cinnabar, Clay, Copal, Marigold), Sable (Cinnabar, Clay, Copal, Marigold), Shell (Clay), Shepherd (Clay), Smudge (Cinnabar, Clay, Copal), Socks (Cinnabar, Marigold), Tail Banding (Cinnabar, Clay, Copal, Marigold), Underbelly (Cinnabar, Marigold), Undercoat (Cinnabar, Marigold), Unders (Cinnabar, Marigold), Undersides (Cinnabar, Marigold), Undertone (Cinnabar, Marigold), Vesture (Cinnabar, Marigold) - NCL Exclusives Celestial (Agouti, Cover, Shine, Speckles), Dawn (Dapple, Lace, Margay, Shine), Leonid (Coat, Feline, Smoke, Undershine), Prismatic (Feline, Glaze, Smoke, Undercover), Sidereal (Cover, Glaze, Points, Shine), Skyward (Cover, Crumbing, Shine, Undercover), Stratosphere (Feline, Lycaon, Undertone, Vitiligo) - Celestial Lionesses Bandit (Cloud, Feline, Mirage, Unders), Outlaw (Cheetah, Feline, Mottled Fissures, Rogue), Ruffian (Feline, Panther, Siamese, Soft Unders), Scoundrel (Feline, Inverted.......brawl......, Pelage, Undersides), Ukame (Feralis, Marble, Rugged Unders, Undercover), Vagabond (Mirage, Mottled Fissures, Nuzzle, Reverse Indri) - Maneater Studs ✨Skins✨ Clouded, Peach, Pale, Greige - NCL Exclusives Bunting, Echo, Eggshell Blue, Ink, Lilac, Plum, Quail, Sandstone, Welsummer - Breed Unique Fails, since apps aren't allowed how would they enter the pool? Hmmm. Potentially not allowed unless somehow naturally occurring on a groupie or maneater Ruffian - Maneater Studs 0 players like this post! Like? Edited on 11/12/23 @ 19:10:37 by Cyanide 🌒 {Cream Lover} (#27473) |
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