Posted by Gems, Herbs and More!

Severance 🌾 BO
Maziwa (#5558)

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Posted on
2023-12-13 15:15:28

Gems, Herbs and More!
Hello, folks! After a long hiatus from Lioden I've found myself in need of funds and I'm too cheap to purchase GB/SB, so my little odds and ends are available for you to purchase! What do I have? How much am I selling [X] item for? Read onward and you'll find out! Disclaimer, I haven't been around for a few months... my prices might not be solid as I figure out what the market is like rn!

Currently it looks like 1 = 875 (?) So that's what I'll be going with unless I see evidence to sway me. Feel free to shoot your own estimate, worst I'll say is no!


Asking about 60 apiece but definitely willing to haggle, especially for gems that can't be used for a few months and for bulk deals. Just ask!

Amethyst: 79x
Bloodstone: 15x
Carnelian: 25x
Cat's Eye: 53x
Celestite: 20x
Dioptase: 86x
Fire Opal: 21x
Garnet: 86x
Hematite: 113x
Howlite: 22x
Jasper: 13x
Kunzite: 87x
Labradorite: 5x
Meteorite: 21x
Moonstone: 19x
Moss Agate: 45x
Nuummite: 23x
Peridot: 17x
Rhodonite: 116x
Rough Opal: 52x
Rough Ruby: 92x
Sparkling Opal: 53x
Star Ruby: 25x
Tanzanite: 108x


Asking 45 per herb, but as stated above, willing to haggle on some more than others. Ask!

Buchu: 3x
Dream Root: 39x
Honey Bush: 4x
Iboga Root: 48x
Imphepho: 7x
Marula Fruit: 30x
Nut Grass: 6x
Ubhu: 12x
Umangu: 129x
Uqume: 204x
Uvuma-Omhlope: 30x
Uzara: 64x
Stripped Cacti: 94x


These items are individually priced!

Large Leaves: 148x -- 75 apiece
Large Rocks: 33x -- 60 apiece
Underbrush: 61x -- 50 apiece
Lion Skulls: 159x -- 50 apiece
Rainbow Stones: 60x -- 80 apiece
SR Red: 3x -- 60 apiece

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Edited on 13/12/23 @ 17:02:11 by Nygma 🌾 BO Maziwa (#5558)

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