Posted by [Closed] LF: Ochre Gnaw & Buffy OF: Clean lion

🇺🇦 [] (#227040)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2023-12-16 08:58:48
Even if you don't have any of the items I need, feel free to buy any of the listed items (or lions). got will go to the "Pure " counter!

Looking for 1 Ochre Gnawrock and 1 Buffalo Scrotum for my heir breeding project.

What I have to offer:
* Lions:
~~ G3 Mistletoe cub (2x) -- 10 each
~~ G3 Snowflake cub (1x) -- 7
~~ G2 blind lioness (Snowflake mom | 7 years old) (1x) -- 3
~~ G5 Hematite cub (1x) -- 2

* Items:
~~ Angelic Blessing (1x) -- 10

* Applicators:
~~ Ammonite Body (3x) -- 2 each
~~ Applicator: Blue Lace (1x) -- 1
~~ Gregarious Swarm (1x) -- 1
~~ Scent of Hibiscus (1x) -- 7
~~ Skin Applicator: Lavander (1x) -- 1
~~ Skin Applicator: Lagoon (1x) -- 1

Also, I will sell December apps as soon as Tier 3 of the Event Shop opens, so you can reserve the amount you want. Bases will be 7 per 1 app, markings 5 per 1 app, and manes 2 per app.

Pure : 7

February barked heats of my G3 Green Dorsal Fur lioness:

The current price of all available offered things: 66

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Edited on 18/12/23 @ 03:32:08 by Світлолій 🇺🇦 [G2 Moss SShR] (#227040)

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