Posted by Clearing Out My Hoard! [updated!]

LooneyLani (SFS) (#106681)

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Posted on
2023-12-20 05:22:50
Looney's Hoard Clearout

Selling most items from my hoard! The prices for everything are listed below, but I am happy to take a look at offers too -- will mainly accept energy boosters, crbs, and sb :)
All prices are based on the lowest branch sales prices as of the time I'm writing this.
for me 800sb = 1gb.

Sale items
Abyssinian Longclaw = 120sb
African Civet = 2gb/1600sb
Aidi = 700sb
Alaotra Grebe x3 = 20sb each
Albino Barbary Stag x2 = 74sb each
Albino Dwarf Cub = 2gb/1600sb
Albino Gazelle = 200sb
Albino Tigon Cub = 10gb
Ancient Lion Mask x2 = 450sb each
Ascension Night Heron x4 = 20sb each
Ash's Lark = 100sb
Bi x2 = 60sb each
Black-Lored Waxbill x8 = 15sb each
Blizzard = 750sb
Blue Diadem Caterpillar [1] x13 = 5sb each
Blue Skimmer [1] x12 = 10sb each
Blue Skimmer [2] x2 = 500sb each
Camel Spider x2 = 200sb each
Candy Cane Sorrel x3 = 100sb each
Carnelian Fang Extensions = 1gb
Carpenter Bee [1] x10 = 100b each
Carpenter Bee [2] = 300b
Coffee Locust [1] x15 = 15sb each
Coffee Locust [2] x3 = 20sb each
Common Raven [1] x21 = 100sb each
Crawling Silver Beetles = 300sb
Criosphinx Idol = 100sb
Darwin's Bark Spider x5 = 15sb each
Dead Klipspringer Calf = 200sb
Dead Oryx Calf = 300sb
Dirty Crocodile x3 = 500sb each
Dorcatherium = 400sb
Eager Cub [Brown] x4 = 15sb each
Eager Cub [Golden] x8 = 15sb each
Eager Cub [Onyx] x7 = 15sb each
Eager Cub [White] = 15sb
Easter Palm x3 = 50sb each
Fancy Guinea Pig [American Shorthair] = 15sb
Fancy Guinea Pig [Rex] = 15sb
Fancy Guinea Pig [White Crested] = 15sb
Fancy Mouse [Banded Lilac Astrex] = 50sb
Fancy Mouse [Fawn Dutch Standard] x4 = 50sb each
Fancy Mouse [Red Self Astrex] = 50sb
Fancy Mouse [Seal Siamese Astrex] x3 = 50sb each
Fancy Mouse [White Self Astrex] = 50sb
Faux Mohawk: Spotted Hyena x2 = 40sb each
Faux Mohawk: Striped Hyena = 40sb
Finespun Hyena Bodywear [Spotted] x2 = 40sb each
Gaudy Commodore = 300sb
Giant Pouched Rat x22 = 15sb each
Great Auk x5 = 15sb each
Guernsey Lily [1] x4 = 200sb each
Hare Bone Piercings x4 = 150sb each
Heavy Foliage = 4gb
Hog Deer Antlers = 10gb
Honeybush Flowers = 2g/1600sb
Hoopoe Starling x5 = 40sb each
Hyena Nose x2 = 20sb each
Injured Zebra Foal = 40sb
Jewelry: Sparkling Opal Pendant = 500sb
Kalahari Christmas Tree x2 = 600sb each
Kolbroek Piglets x3 = 20sb each
Kopje Ground Formation = 3gb
Laharu x4 = 200sb each
Large Bone = 1gb/800sb
Light Rain = 1gb/800sb
Loving Leoponess = 100sb
Lucky Rabbit Foot Necklace x4 = 60sb each
Maghreb Magpie = 50sb
Marula Branch x3 = 200sb each
Mascarene Parrot x2 = 20sb eeach
Mascarene Teal = 15sb
Mauritius Blue Pigeon = 15sb
Mauritius Fody = 15sb
Merry Gray Wolf x2 = 600sb each
Messy Mane 1 = 2gb/1600sb
Moonlight x2 = 70sb each
Moonlit Emblem = 1gb/800sb
Muddy Live Rat x4 = 20sb each
Muddy Pebbles = 300sb
Muddy Rocks x2 = 500sb each
Muddy Slopes = 60sb
Muddy Tree x2 = 15sb each
Ogre-Faced Spider x5 = 15sb each
Old Ship Cannon = 100sb
Orphaned Cheetah Cub = 1500sb
Ostrich Feather Decor = 300sb
Passionate Primal Patootie = 15sb
Pet Rock Decor = 500sb
Piebald Foal x2 = 25sb each
Pink Pigeon = 500sb
Pirate Beard - Thick [Blonde] = 600sb
Pirate Eyepatch [Left] = 200sb
Platinum Fox x2 = 100sb each
Prickly Pear = 200sb
Purple Starling x15 = 10sb each
Purring Bengal Cat = 5gb
Rabbit Bone Bracelets x5 = 100sb each
Rabbit Bone Chest Wrap x5 = 150sb each
Rabbit Corpse = 700sb
Rabbit Fluff Tail x3 = 200sb each
Rabbit Fur Cloak x2 = 200sb each
Rabbit Skull Necklace x5 = 100sb each
Réunion Fody x2 = 25sb each
Réunion Ibis x4 = 25sb each
Réunion Pink Pigeon x4 = 45sb each
Réunion Sheldgoose x5 = 20sb each
Red Rail x6 = 18sb each
Reed Canary Grass [1] x9 = 150sb each
Reptile Skin Bodywear = 300sb
Roe Deer Antlers = 6gb/4800sb
Sacred Ibis Feather Decor = 300sb
Saint Helena Hoopoe x2 = 30sb each
Saker Falcon = 200sb
Screaming Rabbit Relic x2 = 15sb each
Sculpted Ice Armour [Back] = 450sb
Sculpted Ice Armour [Front] = 450sb
Sculpted Ice Armour [Gauntlets] = 450sb
Seychelles Parakeet x7 = 20sb each
Shell Bands = 150sb
Shining Drongo Feathers Decor = 150sb
Shiny Rock Left Earring Piercing [Black] = 80sb
Shiny Rock Left Earring Piercing [Red] = 100sb
Shiny Rock Left Earring Piercing [Teal] = 90sb
Shiny Rock Left Earring Piercing [White] = 100sb
Shiny Rock Left Triple Ear Piercing [Black] = 60sb
Shiny Rock Left Triple Ear Piercing [Orange] = 70sb
Shiny Rock Right Triple Ear Piercing [Red] = 150sb
Shiny Rock Left Triple Ear Piercing [Teal] = 150sb
Shiny Rock Right Triple Ear Piercing [White] = 150sb
Ship Hull Remains = 400sb
Shrikes x8 = 50sb each
Shrikes in Thorns x2 = 200sb each
Silver Fox x2 = 80sb each
Slender-Billed Curlew = 24sb
Snow Flurries = 500sb
Snuggling Lioness [Black] = 600sb
Somali Thrush = 100sb
Speckled Magpie x2 = 150sb each
Springtime Trio = 2000sb
Stag Beetle [1] x9 = 5sb each
Stag Beetle [2] = 50sb
Starry Jasmine Branch = 3gb/2400sb
Starving Cub = 8sb
Sunset's Memorial = 40sb
Swarming Flies = 4gb/3200sb
Taruca Deer Antlers = 5gb/4000sb
Ticks [Face] x2 = 10sb each
Tigers Eye = 1gb
Vulture Wings [Bottom] = 470sb
Vulture Wings [Top] = 470sb
Wandering Ethiopian Wolf = 6gb/4800sb
Windy x2 = 70sb each
Xeglun = 2gb/1600sb
Yawning Dwarf Lioness = 10sb
Zephyr x2 = 1gb/800sb each
[S] Cola Tree Decor = 4gb

Bloodbath x12 = 30sb each
Carcass x10 = 100sb each
Clean Lake x13 = 20sb each
Flowering Fynbos = 4000sb
Hungry Hyena Lands = 130sb
Hyena Clans x3 = 100sb each
Hyena Lair = 350sb
Hyena Wastelands = 300sb
Mud River = 50sb
Paradise Waterfall = 2gb/1600sb
Rain Shelter = 2gb/1600sb
Rock Pinnacles = 50sb
South African Meadows = 2gb/1600sb
Wallowing Pit = 40sb
Wild Waterhole x3 = 50sb each

Scar: Anklebiter x16 = 5sb each
Scar: Back Scratch x6 = 20sb each
Scar: Beaten Up = 25sb
Scar: Belly Scratch = 200sb
Scar: Cheek x2 = 15sb each
Scar: Face x3 = 15sb each
Scar: Front Leg Left x2 = 5sb each
Scar: Front Leg Right = 5sb
Scar: Hind Leg Left x3 = 20sb each
Scar: Hind Leg Right x3 = 20sb each
Scar: Hip x2 = 10sb each
Scar: Long Left Eye x2 = 5sb each
Scar: Long Right Eye x2 = 5sb each
Scar: Muzzle x2 = 50sb each
Scar: Neck x2 = 6sb each
Scar: Nose Ridge = 5sb
Scar: Nose Scratch x2 = 100sb each
Scar: Short Left Eye x4 = 15sb each
Scar: Short Right Eye x2 = 5sb each
Scar: Shoulder x4 = 8sb each
Scar: Side x2 = 200sb each
Scar: Tail = 8sb
Scar: Torn Fur = 100sb
Scar: White Eye Left = 100sb

Ammonite Body = 500sb
Hyena Spots Scarce = 3000sb
Chonky Ragdoll = 8gb
Esker Markings = 5gb
Hibiscus Mane = 500sb
Mistletoe Markings = 3gb
Reindeer Base = 10gb
Rime Markings = 4gb/3200sb
Skin Applicator: Doubloon = 600sb
Skin Applicator: Lagoon = 250sb
Skin Applicator: Lavender = 600sb
Spectre Fur = 3000sb
Styx Fur = 3000sb
MOD: Patches (Nebulous) = 35gb

African Cucumber x10 = 30sb each
Aloe Leaf x14 = 5sb each
Bundle of Herbs x7 = 275sb each
Human Liver = 80sb
Leopard Tail x4 = 2gb each
Lucky Foot x4 = 49sb each
Medlar Fruit x2 = 200sb each
Snake Skull = 100sb
Stripped Cacti x16 = 5sb each
Water Root x13 = 10sb each

Amber = 90sb
Ammonite Fossil x12 = 10sb each
Ancient Fossil x10 = 20sb each
Antelope Hoof x10 = 100sb each
Broken Watch = 100sb each
Chaos Snake Scale x11 = 60sb each
Cracked Fossil x5 = 20sb each
Crumbled Fossil x2 = 20sb each
Damp Log = 80sb each
Fuchsia Flower x26 = 100sb each
Gem: Amethyst x38 = 40sb each
Gem: Bloodstone x6 = 20sb each
Gem: Carnelian x3 = 50sb each
Gem: Cat's Eye x3 = 50sb each
Gem: Celestite x3 = 40sb each
Gem: Dioptase x31 = 20sb each
Gem: Fire Opal x4 = 45sb each
Gem: Garnet x40 = 30sb each
Gem: Hematite x21 = 30sb each
Gem: Howlite x3 = 40sb each
Gem: Jasper = 90sb
Gem: Kunzite x23 = 50sb each
Gem: Labradorite x5 = 25sb each
Gem: Meteorite x3 = 190sb each
Gem: Moonstone x4 = 40sb each
Gem: Moss Agate x3 = 30sb each
Gem: Nuummite x10 = 20sb each
Gem: Peridot x2 = 30sb each
Gem: Rhodonite x29 = x30sb each
Gem: Rough Opal x34 = 30sb each
Gem: Rough Ruby x28 = 25sb each
Gem: Sparkling Opal x31 = 30sb each
Gem: Star Ruby x4 = 40sb each
Gem: Tanzanite x35 = 25sb each
Herb: Buchu x2 = 25sb each
Herb: Dream Root x9 = 50sb each
Herb: Honey Bush x6 = 100sb each
Herb: Iboga Root x4 = 15sb each
Herb: Marula Fruit x22 = 40sb each
Herb: Ubhubhubhu x13 = 40sb each
Herb: Umganu x8 = 19sb each
Herb: Uqume x108 = 30sb each
Herb: Uvuma-Omhlope x6 = 40sb each
Herb: Uzara x6 = 20sb each
Large Leaves = 45sb
Large Rock x27 = 19sb each
Natural Glass x4 = 200sb each
Phantom Quartz x90 = 20sb each
Plant Fossil x5 = 30sb each
Rainbow Stones x16 = 38sb each
Shard of Evil x11 = 150sb each
Shiny Rock [Black] x4 = 15sb each
Shiny Rock [Green] x5 = 10b each
Shiny Rock [Orange] x3 = 10sb each
Shiny Rock [Red] x6 = 48sb each
Shiny Rock [Teal] = 10sb
Shiny Rock [White] x13 = 10sb each

Broken Camera x6 = 5sb each
Cardboard Box x2 = 20sb each
Cheetah Skull = 100sb
Coal x3 = 1gb/800sb each
Cracked Egg x8 = 45sb each
Elephant Skull x16 = 150sb each
Helicopter's Tail Rotor x2 = 20sb each
Hornbill Skull = 10sb
Hyrax Skull x17 = 5sb each
Jacana Leg x10 = 5sb each
Leopard Skull x3 = 10sb each
Lion Skull x52 = 60sb each
Meerkat Skull x8 = 5sb each
Otter Skull x20 = 5sb each
Pangolin Scale x6 = 80sb each
Pet Rock x6 = 100sb each
Rat Skull x20 = 5sb each
Rib Bone x18 = 30sb each
Rugged Tire x3 = 50sb each
Serval Skull x3 = 20sb each
Serval Tail x2 = 15sb each
Snake Skin - Dark x10 = 700sb each
White Lion Pelt = 200sb
Wild Cat Skull x9 = 30sb each

Buffalo Scrotum x40 = 25gb each

Feel free to comment on here, DM me, or set up a trade.

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Edited on 01/07/24 @ 19:41:21 by LooneyLani (SFS) (#106681)

Chaotic.Conundrum (#423740)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2024-01-01 21:53:19
May I please have the Albino bee?!

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Sionnarch (#449941)

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Posted on
2024-01-01 22:02:36
Could I get a Blue Skimmer, a fluffy bracelet, lion spirit, a rabbit fluff collar, and the cozy waterhole background?

I think that is 195 sb?

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LooneyLani (SFS) (#106681)

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Posted on
2024-01-02 00:19:10
@Chaotic - of course! setting up your trade now :)
@Sionnarch - can do! ill get your trade set up

*edit* ahh apologies Sionnarch it looks like ive sold the blueskimmer and forgot to update! the trade contains the remainder of your items with the updated price

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Edited on 02/01/24 @ 00:22:20 by LooneyLani (SFS) (#106681)

Ostrich (#459171)

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Posted on
2024-01-02 02:00:53
May I purchase the Muddy tree, a purple starling, a wallowing pit Background, and Empyrean Future background.

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LooneyLani (SFS) (#106681)

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Posted on
2024-01-02 02:32:36
@Ostrich - absolutely, setting up your trade now :)

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Chaotic.Conundrum (#423740)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2024-01-02 06:19:05
Thank you!

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Bikersarehot (dm me
pie!🎀) (#398789)

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Posted on
2024-01-04 00:59:33
Can I please have 1 devils claw and 1 human liver?

Sending 100sb now :) (keep the rest!)

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Chaotic.Conundrum (#423740)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2024-01-04 08:00:53
May i have all the beaten up scars please?

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LooneyLani (SFS) (#106681)

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Posted on
2024-01-05 01:34:25
@Bobakeet ~ sending now, and thankyou!!

@Chaotic ~ of course, will set up a trade now :)

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𝙈𝙤𝙤𝙣 (#366944)

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Posted on
2024-01-06 17:26:29
Hi! Can I please have 3 white lion pelt? :]

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LooneyLani (SFS) (#106681)

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Posted on
2024-01-06 17:27:04
@Moon - of course ^^ ill set up your trade now

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Sionnarch (#449941)

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Posted on
2024-01-07 12:24:51
I'm back if that's okay, I have been trying to dress up my lions better, am I asking for too much?

Could I get Bloodbath Background, Clean lake background, and hyena lands background.
Windy Decor, The Real Unicorn Decor, and moonlight decor.

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LooneyLani (SFS) (#106681)

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Posted on
2024-01-07 22:19:46
Welcome back @Sionnarch! and that’s fine, you can grab as much as you’d like! I’ll set up your trade now :)

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Lionstar [G5 Ferus] (#433734)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-01-08 21:47:41
Can I have the supernal fur?

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LooneyLani (SFS) (#106681)

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Posted on
2024-01-08 21:48:35
@Lionstar - of course! I’ll set up the trade for you ^^

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