Posted by Dymanic custom decor (day/night)

Space Spots (G1
x2ros Stellar) (#308368)

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Posted on
2023-12-25 03:53:58
I was wanting to make a decor that changes appearance with the day/night cycle like a few of the backgrounds do but I found after asking the mods that it isn't something that can happen atm.
This will definitely increase the mods and whoever manages the separate files workload so it'd have to be done in a way that hopefully minimizes it.

Adjustments to the custom decor submission page are as follows:
1. A toggle or extra page for day/night files, that way you can upload two files for the same pose/stage in separate sections. maybe the toggle could be where you have the thumbnail link which will then give you access to the place where you add the night files having day as default.

2. New rules for this decor type:
-only universal decor/behind lion decor. (To reduce workload, this may change once the mods get a better idea of how much work these will take to add to the game)

-there has to be a clear difference between the two, if there isn't it will be rejected (to save unnecessary work & hopefully prevent a decor from being labeled as a changing one when it isn't.)

-The name of the decor had to include [D] for dynamic to indicate the type of decor.

3. Filter adjustment when searching for custom decor so you can filter in/out those that change. Maybe had a dynamics toggle or something similar.

If you have anything to add or think could work better please let me know ^^

This suggestion has 20 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 25/12/23 @ 20:21:15 by Space Spots (G1 x2ros nefer) (#308368)

🌈CC✨ -Autistic
BO Breeder- (#438339)

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Posted on
2023-12-25 19:04:17
I believe decor like this is refered to as "dynamic", usually with a [D] in the title. I'd expect this to be required for the custom decor.

Edit: It appears like all decor is marked as seasonal or dynamic if it has that function.

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Edited on 25/12/23 @ 19:05:24 by 🌈CC✨ -Autistic BO Breeder- (#438339)

Space Spots (G1
x2ros Stellar) (#308368)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-12-25 20:18:48
ah! thank you! I'll change my post ^^

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