Posted by Digital art tips needed!

🦎Rango (Main) G2
NRLC Uneven (#334921)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2023-12-28 17:36:46
Heyo! I've been wanting to get into digital art for a while now and want to get tips from peeps here because I see a lot of styles similar to my own, and some that I'd like my art to look similar to. If you are a digital artist (any level of experience!) please help me out.

- What program do you use and how much did it cost?
- What device do you draw on and what kind of stylus?
- Do you have any go-to brushes, textures, or techniques?
- Other tips you want to share?

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raineir (#459426)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-12-28 17:53:02
Hi, I've been drawing digitally for a while!

- I use Krita, which is free!
- I draw on a laptop, using a huion tablet that I plug in to the side. The stylus came with the tablet, I think
- I personally prefer a more painty sort of brush, or anything that lets you change the opacity/size with pen pressure. I also like to just clean up my sketches to make the lineart instead of drawing anew ^^ but I also have more of a sketchy style, so there's that

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leon (#208511)

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Posted on
2023-12-28 18:03:47
- I use Clip Studio Paint and it's my favorite of all the art programs I've tried (multiple and many of the free ones). I bought it ages ago before it introduced its subscription feature which is pretty dumb, but you can still purchase it once for 50 USD. I've also used FireAlpaca and it's all right and free! My friend is a semi-professional artist who uses it exclusively and loves it.

- I draw on a laptop with a $400 Parblo tablet. You do NOT need an expensive tablet though. I recommend finding the cheapest you can that supports pen pressure to start with. Make sure the driver updating process is comprehensible first though lol. That's advice from experience. You don't even need one with a screen; I drew without one for years and said friend has never drawn with a tablet screen.

- I love round watercolor brushes! You really don't need complicated brushes to make something lovely. Clip hella supports custom brushes and there are a ton out there for free; I don't know about FireAlpaca.

- Practice, practice, practice! Always double-check what layer you're drawing on, and clipping masks will be your best friend!

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(She/They) (#442169)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-01-22 09:12:54
Procreate on an iPad Air for $20 with an Apple Pencil. I recommend round brush for a painting type look.

On pc I use Krita for free. I don’t know the names of the brushes sadly and Krita is complex. I use a huion kamvas 13, $300 (comes with pen) but rn it’s on sale for $206.99

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Edited on 22/01/24 @ 09:16:33 by Abyss She/It (#442169)

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