Posted by figured out why I don't like male lions so much.

MorningStar -G2
Cimmerian Bomb (#25115)

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Posted on
2024-01-05 10:14:58
it took me a while to figure out why I don't like the default male pose -and its not the pose itself!

can you see it?

the tickled fur texture! it looks ok one some pale colors etc, but by the time you get to more complex bases and patterns it can really throw the look of the lion off.
Default females have it as well, but it's not quite so pronounced, and other poses have a much softer fur texture.

here's an example of the same lion:

see how much it changes the look of the colors/patterns?

Anyway this is just an observation more than anything, and it works fine with some colors/patterns.
I would personally like to see it updated to match the other poses more and how they do texture, but that is just personal taste, and I can understand why some people would like it.

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