Posted by Under the Orange Tree: Project Okeanus 🍊

coolio πŸ„β”ƒhaze (#149374)

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Posted on
2024-01-05 12:50:40


This is the project tracker for my currently-running Maziwa project. Okeanus is my main's perma-king. I purchased his initial iteration for 10 in May of 2023.

He was intended to be a temporary king, used to pass his mane and marks to breeders descended from my previous Maziwa king. Unfortunately, his reputation as "just some guy that showed up" lead to him becoming progressively more and more adored by others and eventually myself. And then one day, out of nowhere, he decided to copy and paste himself onto a common base Bushveld Quail Flecks rare slot breeder. He then became the first Bushveld Quail Flecks stud and worked to entirely repopulate not only his slot but the mark as a whole. He's bascially a big loveable idiot who forced me to keep him.

You can see where he's currently at here. This project is run in conjunction with my side's Vagabond project. I have divided this project into two phases: eyes/skin and marks. Each phase has its own section down below


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BASE: Maziwa
SKIN: Sandstone
EYES: Celadon
MANE: [any shape] Fiery

MARKING 1: Bushveld Quail Flecks (100%) tier 2
MARKING 2: Marigold Roan (100%) tier 3
MARKING 3: Saffron Ardeida (80%) tier 3
MARKING 4: Tangor Brindle (30%) tier 2
MARKING 5: Feline 4 Gold (100%) tier 2
MARKING 6: Shaded Henna (40%) tier 3
MARKING 7: Saffron Inverted Cover (100%) tier 3
MARKING 8: Tangor Dorsal Line (60%) tier 2
MARKING 9: Bone Soft Unders (100%) tier 2
MARKING 10: White Underfelt (100%) tier 2
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───── β‹†β‹…β˜†β‹…β‹† ─────
BASE: Maziwa
SKIN: Sandstone
EYES: Celadon
MANE: Barbary Fiery

MARKING 1: Bushveld Quail Flecks (100%) tier 2
MARKING 4: Tangor Brindle (30%) tier 2
MARKING 6: Fiery Inverted Blemish (70%) tier 3
MARKING 8: Tangor Dorsal Line (60%) tier 2
MARKING 10: White Underfelt (80%) tier 2

phase 1

9/27/23 - 3/11/24

Approximated number of attempts: 72 litters
Approximated cost: 75
including rocks, aging stones/crystals when i get impatient, and base changers

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The purpose of phase 1 is simply to copy and paste Okeanus but with Celadon eyes and Sandstone skin. In the process of this I have built a small empire of Sandstone Celadons. This phase is still in progress, but I have only started logging it partway through. This phase is done HELLLLL YEAH

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phase 2

not started

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Edited on 07/01/25 @ 15:47:12 by coolio πŸ„β”ƒhaze (#149374)

coolio πŸ„β”ƒhaze (#149374)

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Posted on
2024-01-21 02:49:10
reserving because i am just now realizing how long these logs are gonna be

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coolio πŸ„β”ƒhaze (#149374)

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Posted on
2024-04-05 16:32:35
i have revamped oke's final design!! his marks are a bit different from when i planned so i knew i was going to have to pivot anyways. absolutely in love with this version

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