Posted by Need a price check for MANY lions

Arsoniztz ✩ (#383463)

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Posted on
2024-01-07 09:07:40
I've got many feline etc. Lionesses and I have no idea hoe much they are worth. Can anyone help?

1. Merlot Feline chased Lioness [LINK]

2. Mottled Rosette chased Lioness [LINK]

3. Feline 8 Fiery chased Lioness [LINK]

4. Three Feline markings (Hibiscus Feline, Feline 6 Elysian, Haunted Feline) clean G3 Lioness [LINK]

5. Hibiscus Feline dirty G5+ Female Adolscent [LINK]

6. Feline 7 Orchid clean G3 Female Adolscent [LINK]

7. Ardor Feline clean G2 Female Adolscent [LINK]

8. Feline 4 Silky clean G5+ Female Adolscent [LINK]

9. Bobbed Tail dirty G5+ Female Adolscent [LINK]

10. Feline 2 Lilac clean G5+ Female Cub [LINK]

Thanks for any help ^^

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Bis_Cat (#105895)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2024-01-07 10:34:52
I have started working on the reply to your post, please be patient with me as it will take a few moments.

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Bis_Cat (#105895)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2024-01-07 10:48:04

1. Less than 1GB (Approx 50-275SB)
The reason for this is due to the age and low opacity of the lioness. The 75% opacity is why the high is 275. I would recommend selling her for 50-100.

2. Up to 1GB, Approx (400 SB - 1 GB)
Reasoning: Middle of the age range and 100% opacity. The lowest this type of rosette is going for is around 100, I would recommend opening up bidding for this lioness, as this type of rosette is only passed by G1 Leopons (unless this has changed). Or keep her to try and breed her markings onto a rare base which would increase the price (keeping and attempting to breed her is my main recommendation). I would not go below 400.

3. (50 - 100 SB)
The marking is tier 2 and low opacity, she is also missing a rare or spec base which would increase her worth. I recommend 50 SB.

(still answering, but here is part A of the answer)

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Bis_Cat (#105895)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2024-01-07 11:04:37
I do not/will not factor in clean or dirty. This may affect your price point. The reason I do not factor this in is due to a problem that occurs for buyers who do not care about lineage, if they do not care they will not shell out more for a clean lineage. The lineage can affect a price point significantly, this is your choice based on how important this is to you or your buyers.

4. She is young and beautiful I would say between 100-200 SBs
Would be higher with a different base. Recommendation 100 SBS (this may have to be lowered depending on how many of these are on the market).

5. Adol. Low stats but tier 3. 50-75 SBS.

6. Okay, Math time. With the tier three markings about 100 + the tier 6 which I believe should be valued at at least 100 SBS. The reason I value tier 6 at this price even with the low opacity is because it is RMA-exclusive (last time I checked) Approx 250 SBS.

Still answering...

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Arsoniztz ✩ (#383463)

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Posted on
2024-01-07 11:09:14
Wow, didn't expect anyone to answer today

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Bis_Cat (#105895)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2024-01-07 11:15:38
7. 60-80 SBS (approx.)
8. 150 SBS (approx.)

9. Lowest bobtail is on sale right now for 300 SBs which really undercuts the 500 sb to 1 gb price point. If you wait it may return to the higher price point. +20 SB for the tier 3 marking. So if you sold it right now you'd have to go 220 sbs or wait and try for 520 sb.

(I saw it popped up and figured I would do my best in the short amount of time I have available).
Stilll going..

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Bis_Cat (#105895)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2024-01-07 11:17:00
Last one, 10. Approx 100 SBS max. I would shoot for 50-75. Even fodder price may be necessary for it to sell.

Thats all, feel free to disagree with my numbers though. Others may have different opinions but I figured, no harm in giving you some estimates based on current market values.

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Arsoniztz ✩ (#383463)

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Posted on
2024-01-07 11:24:31
Thank you so much! Actually I'm about to sell them to my friend who won't probably care for if I'll do bigger price than it is around the lowest or something- and if nothing will sell, I'll just put it kinda cheaper! Qbout the rosette one, I'll keep it if it's this good, I mean, it's rosette from G1 Leopon, so I'll try breeding it! Thanks again!

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