Posted by [SOLVED] Transferring Between Accounts

Jules (#459646)

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Posted on
2024-01-09 11:19:23
Hi! I joined Lioden a little over a month ago, but have a question about the mechanics/rules of owning two accounts.

I know each player is allowed a maximum of two accounts per IP address/household, with the ability to link them. However, is it alright if you transfer Silver Beetles/Food/Items between the two accounts?

I have read multiple forums that state it is perfectly fine to do so, and the OP's do it frequently.

However, section 3.3 of the Lioden Code of Conduct states "Do not funnel items/currency between accounts. Lioden reserves the right to place an embargo to any accounts considered to be funneling". (Followed by section a. "Excessively transferring game items, currency and lions between two accounts usually for the purpose of directly benefitting one account to receive an unfair advantage".

After some thought, I decided it was better to ask instead of assume. I do not want to do anything that might get my account banned.

Thank you for your help!

- Jules

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Edited on 15/01/24 @ 16:20:42 by Jules (#459646)

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grassman 🌱 |
albino (#282830)

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Posted on
2024-01-09 11:47:02
yes! transferring between accounts is fine, that rule is to prevent family members/friend groups who make accounts just to "funnel"/send all their profits to one account, as that is considered using multiple accounts.

i often send gb/sb/items through mmultiple accounts!

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