Posted by Ban Item Stand-in Raffles

Java (Poops &
Gifts Welcome!!) (#457031)

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Posted on
2024-01-13 13:15:22
For reference, the raffles I’m referring to are the ones where users will put a random item in place of a lion i.e. “winner of ~item~ gets ~lion~”.

I know some users have good intentions with these raffles, but it is too easy to rig for a scam. Scamming accounts will put up an item stand-in raffle, collect all of the raffle tickets, then simply not give the winner(s) their respective prize(s). Some scammers have the item stand-in raffle running while the prize lion is up for trade, so they can cancel the raffle is they get a trade offer they prefer over the raffle tickets. Worst of all, if they trade the prize lion and let the raffle run it’s course, then they’ve effectively tied the mods’ hands because they can’t take it away from the person who fairly traded for it. I’ve also seen item stand-in raffles where the scamming account will delay the transfer of a prize old lioness so that they can take advantage of her last heat while still technically not breaking any rules.

The mods can investigate and refund the victims’ raffle tickets, but would it not be easier to just ban these raffles all together rather than waste the manpower?

As a victim of one of these scams, I call for banning this type of raffle. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

This suggestion has 3 supports and 16 NO supports.

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🎃 Jen
O'Lantern 🎃 (#177530)

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Posted on
2024-01-13 13:23:41
Alongside banning these type of raffles the entire raffle system needs a re-haul. I believe there may be an existing suggestion for this but yeah. The systems that dis-allow long term raffles of lions have a work-around now thanks to the reverse breeding stasis system. Just allow people chuck the lion in the stasis where they age automatically and are fed with food bundles and amused with toy bundles for the length of the raffle and jobs a good'n

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TheClassCalico (#88888)

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Posted on
2024-01-13 13:44:49
Unless the system is overhauled to increase the maximum duration of lion raffles, I do not support, as it is the only way to raffle lions for longer.

If the system is overhauled, then there would be no need to do it in the first place, and I can imagine that it won't be used to scam as often as it would probably be far more difficult to get away with as it wouldn't likely be the norm. With that being said, I wouldn't mind it being banned just in case it was used maliciously if it were overhauled.

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Edited on 13/01/24 @ 14:02:24 by TheClassCalico (#88888)

Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2024-01-13 15:22:38
I would support if the system was overhauled - I dont see why raffle cant auto-cancel if a lion in it runs away, just like trades do. Then it wont need to have few days limit on lion raffles and wont need placeholders, thus, making it plausible to ban this kind of raffles. But until then, there's really no way around placeholders for longer lion raffles, so no support.

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