Posted by Effects

Guardian ~ (#248662)

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Posted on
2024-01-13 19:34:50
I noticed that around 5 years ago someone called Aslan posted a code about how you can get a firefly effect to go across your den using an extensive code and CSS document (I used notepad like suggested). And while I did all the things the post suggested I do in order for it to work, it still doesn't work.

So I was wondering if there was a new way to do it/a better way it could be explained? Thank you.

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=πŸŽ— Austin πŸŽ—= (#43750)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-01-14 00:15:14

My apologies for the delay in my response. I've retired from Lioden, and I log-in inconsistently (sometimes not for months at a time, whoops!).

Glad you like my fireflies!

You can view my response to you question here.

Just in case my instructions weren't clear, keep this thread up. If any of you fellow coders can explain it in a simpler way (let's face it, I'm a long-winded guy), please do!

Take Care!
~ Austin

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Edited on 14/01/24 @ 00:16:30 by = Austin = πŸŽ— [Retired] (#43750)

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