Posted by Help regarding breeding

Vander [G3 Piebald
NRLC] (#456432)

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Posted on
2024-01-14 20:03:03
Are non-mutie studs wanted? I feel like this is a stupid question haha but I’m new as to what people like in Lioden.

I love a potential new heir I found, however he’s not a piebald, primal, etc. I’m worried if that will make him less desirable even as pretty as he is? I’m unsure of how mutations roll either. I’m worried that if my king isn’t mutated with piebald or anything else that can be passed down, he won’t be requested often.

I also need help understanding how the mutations roll. I’m very confused on how that works and what a ‘roll order’ is, what chances are to get this and that, and if having a non mutie stud will increase chances as to getting a hybrid vs having a piebald stud & him passing piebald & overriding the small small chance of a hybrid. Does that sound correct or am I all wrong? I’m still trying to get the hang of breeding! >.<

I appreciate the help or any corrections. :)

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SIDE (#208511)

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Posted on
2024-01-14 21:15:30

So first of all, king what makes you happy. But after that...

If you're worried about him not being mutated, you can do a thing called "mutation replacing" or mut repping, etc.. You first king the lion whose looks you want, then go to retire him and replace him with a lion that has the mutation you want. You have to choose "keep (king's name) appearance." You should then have a king that has the appearance of your pretty lion but the mutation of the lion you want.

This is the roll order.

Leopon OR Overgrown Fur OR Tigon† ➜ Patches/Piebald† ➜ GMO Cow/Lion Meat ➜ Cotton Root Bark ➜ Fertility/Natural Chance ➜ Lion Scrotum ➜ Primal ➜ Dorsal Fur† ➜ Tigon Boost* ➜ Mukombero ➜ Dorsal Fur Guarantee*

So leopon/overgrown fur/tigon chances roll first and will overwrite everything that comes after it. So on, so forth. Patches/Piebald will overwrite mutation items. So actually, having a primal or nonmutated/unpassing king can be an advantage if you want to CRB a lot, and some people specifically look for primal/nonmutated studs for this reason.

We don't know specific pass rates I don't think, but piebalds are estimated at around a 5% per cub. I think hybrids are specified to have a 5% per cub, 10% if the hybrid is a first generation. You can figure out a lot from the roll order by seeing what comes first.

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