Posted by Interstellar combo base idea (repost)

iees[SIDE] (#425725)

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Posted on
2024-01-16 13:51:47
This is my first time posting a base idea and i'm going crazy with my laptop.

(edit: just saw it from my phone and noticed it's too bright I'll eventually edit it again and make a second version and tone it down a little. still, tell me your opinions on it anyway as it does help me. )

genetics: not sure yet

factor 1:Interstellar
Factor 2: Glacial, Hexaples, festive, arctic,Prismatic

This is possible during July when you also get the interstellar remnants.
After July maybe we can put it like witch. so only Galactic x Galactic.

constructive criticism accepted

This suggestion has 11 supports and 12 NO supports.

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