Posted by New Personality Trait: Lucky

Archeologhost (#19753)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-01-17 17:33:14
TLDR: Lucky makes it harder for your lion to miss in battles, but does not impact total damage per move nor does it make it impossible for you to miss.

I think its safe to say that everyone can get frustrated when they have chains 3-5 turns long of consistent misses in explore battles, but up until this point there hasn't really been much to combat the will of RN-Jesus. We have items to allow us to do more damage (human liver), and we have items to allow us to instantly win battles (lucky feet), but there isn't much we can do to turn the sway of battle further into our favor without using insta-wins. This can get especially frustrating in the explore tiers above level 11, where a lot of combat becomes more stat reliant (at least for opening moves) and exp outside of combat isn't easy to come by.

However, I do know that we already have several personality types to help us in battle, from allowing us to do extra damage to letting us earn extra exp/sb post-battle. These personality types are as follows:

Arrogant (Snarky): grants an additional +5 EXP for each successful battle.
Chivalrous (Good): grants additional damage during daytime battles.
Mysterious (Neutral): grants additional damage during nighttime battles.
Patient (Kind): grants an additional +5 SB for each successful battle.
Stoic (Neutral): lose 7% energy from a successful battle rather than the standard 10%.
Vicious (Evil): grants an additional +4 EXP and +2 SB for each successful battle.

However, none of these really help making moves that actually *connect* in battle. For this, I suggest a new personality type:

Lucky (Neutral): boosts your chances to hit your opponent in battle.

Lucky would be a common personality trait, and could be purchased or rolled randomly from any of the masks from the personality snake. Although, I could see the argument being made for it to be an event personality in May.

I don't know the exact statistics of miss vs hit in battle, but I do know that more often than not, I'm missing anywhere from 2 to 5 times in a row in any given battle. "Lucky" would reduce those odds, leaving me missing maybe once or twice per battle, and very rarely would those misses be consecutive.

Assuming that the hit vs miss are roll based (and I'm operating on the chance that this would be like a 1d6 dice in dnd), you would get an automatic +2-3 to the roll just to hit. This would not impact your damage output per move, nor would it impact the NPC's "armor" (the number you need to roll in order to hit)..

I do not know the actual math behind this, these are both hypothetical scenarios operating on a 1-6 difficulty roll to hit.

Enemy One: Lion Armor: 3
You roll a 2, and with a +3, you get a 5. You hit.
You roll a 1, and auto-fail. You miss.
You roll a 3, and with a +3, you get a 6. You hit.

Enemy Two: Elephant Armor: 6
You roll a 4, and with +3, you get 7. You hit.
You roll a 2, and with +3, you roll a 5. You miss.

If you don't support, I'd love to hear why!

under the spoiler is just screenshots of me being bitter /lh about missing strings of times in battles

This suggestion has 38 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 23/01/24 @ 20:18:11 by Archeologhost (#19753)

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