Posted by Mass breeding progress

Tigmania 🐅 (#383884)

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Posted on
2024-01-18 12:12:17

Mass breeding 29-200 lionesses


this mass breeding project has a total 4 lioden members 200 lioness and souly based of PURE luck. No items added

Progress steps

□lionesses received,split and sent
□ all members breed lionesses and made proper documentation of each lady
□all members numbered assigned lionesses properly 1-100
□lionesses made it to day 3 and results are being prepared
□results made and cubs split evenly



□ keep in mind no cub or lionesses it truly all yours until splits have been made once cubs are born
□ how you breed the lioness is your choice if any cubs found to be dirty tho , they will be killed no matter how pretty they are this is to ensure are cubs will be more valuable in the market.
□ don't use any sort of breeding items unless it's to boost fert
□ if a hybrid,dwarf or lethal is born it will be sold and profits will be split evenly.
□ keep in mind I am funding completely everything from food to the lionesses and require back up assistance if I can not cover everything. Intotal 23 gb is dedicated to this project

Status of project: preparation stage

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Edited on 21/02/24 @ 12:26:05 by 𝔎𝔦𝔤𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔞. (#383884)

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