Posted by Need help with coding

Wabbit_ (#451928)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2024-01-21 12:21:04
I wanted to add a drawing/drawings into my den like you see in some dens where they have art of their mainlion/king/queen, but unfortunately I’m a Apple/phone user and cannot get the codes to work, and was hoping someone would help, and if needed I can pay 2GB for the trouble, pls message me if you can help! thanks!

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voidconsumer (#394027)

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Posted on
2024-01-21 12:37:31
Heya! This thread has a bunch of different image links you can use!

The first one is a basic image link. To get a link for your picture, you can host it to an image hosting site like Imgur, or copy the image link, like from Discord or Google. Hope this helps

(The thread is called "image link assistance :D", just so you know your at the right place or if the link doesn't work!)

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Edited on 21/01/24 @ 12:39:14 by voidconsumer (#394027)

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