Posted by Dragon Gacha

ΘΔ (#397276)

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Posted on
2024-01-23 00:52:01
Hello, and welcome to the dragon gacha where you can find all the different types of dragons. Each dragon can be found in a certain biome and each of the biomes gives a unique appearance to all dragons that come from the area.

Current deal - All basic roll dragons will be half off, meaning they are 500 Sb for each roll

Here are the dragons

Here are the prices and the areas/specialty dragons

Any extra information
Please read this because it also has the rules

Current question of the week -
What is the closest star system to the solar system, and how many stars are in the system?
(Not answered yet)


All previous orders

Orders that are waiting to be finished (Also works as waiting list)

There will also be dragon adopts that could be any of the types
The current adopt theme is the solar system
Neptune the european dragon - 20 Gb

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Edited on 05/05/24 @ 21:18:21 by PyreTheLion (#397276)

RockClimberTheDrake (#452579)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-04-22 20:05:06
Preferred way to send dragons: TH
What type(s) are you ordering: 1 of lindwyrm, 1 of hydra, 1 of amphithere, 1 of sea serpent
Total number of dragons you are ordering: 4
Any requests for color scheme: Lindwyrm: Minecraft Ocean Monument, Hydra: Fire/Air/Ground, Amphithere: Red Parrot, Sea serpent: Lionfish

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