Posted by Suggestion for Treasure Cove

November (#322877)

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Posted on
2024-01-24 17:26:19
This suggestion is if they add Treasure Hunt for multiple months of the year. Since it would ruin the value of the items for that event. Cus people would piles of the them and it would be worthless.

1) raise prices of certain treasure cove items and let the event run the full month

2) leave prices as is, and the treasure hunt mini-event only runs a half month.

If you have other ideas that you would like add as a means to fix this (if it runs for more then one month of the year) then please share.

(I suggested this cus it's not even been up a full month so far and I have 30 coffee beans and 5 or 6 ochre powders.. Imagine if I had gotten to stock up the whole month, then got to stock more once or twice again later on the year.. People would be using them like food bundles.

This suggestion has 8 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Edited on 24/01/24 @ 17:31:51 by AlexCorvid- Rosette Laboratory (#322877)

November (#322877)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-01-24 17:39:13
This suggestion is to save the valuable items of this month becoming victims of greedy lions and to prevent them from falling down the route of useful yet worthless things merely because there's so many of it.

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Edited on 24/01/24 @ 17:39:58 by AlexCorvid- Rosette Laboratory (#322877)

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