Posted by Hunting

Fenri 🇺🇦 (#364622)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-02-02 11:45:26
Hi!! So I've been playing for some time now and I can't for the love of me understand how does hunting work? Could someone explain it? Or at least try to? Because it's confusing as heck-

What confuses me the most is the fact that one 12lv lioness brings more high-level prey than a pack of five 9-12lv lionesses does. That one lioness brings to me like 2 carcasses each time and sometimes gets even some more valuable ones, but that pack most of the times brings 1 carcass and most of the time it something mid or even basic, like "one 1lv lioness" level of basic.

On the other hand, I don't quite get how do "tiles" in hunting work? Do you select which tiles all of the pack visits (like, 5 lionesses go to first tile, than to the second, third...), or do you select 1 tile per 1 lion (it would still be a pack, but just you can get like 4 lionesses on one type of tile and 1 on some diff kind)? But at the same time if I place all 5 of them on 5 diff tiles they still bring only 1 carcass in total, while 1 lioness on 1 tile can bring valuable 2 carcasses.

Maybe someone out there knows something about this? I couldn't really find any info about this online, hence why I am writing this. At this point it feels like wasting "hunting slots" on lionesses if you send all 5 of them at once. It's more profitable to send 1 lioness 10 times, than another one 10 times and so on... Weird.

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Rah (#156300)

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Posted on
2024-02-02 12:07:31
I'm fascinated so joining in because I usually just hunt a pack of 5 on Waterhole for Elephant Calf Carcass / Zebra.

Large prey (that require more lionesses to take down) fill more hunger.
Elephant Calf Carcasses, Zebra Carcasses, Warthog, Gazelle- all these are considered 'common' on the Hunting prey list but fill more Hunger (60%) than something like a rare Giraffe.
They require a full 5 lioness hunting party.

The Questing Snake will typically ask for small carcasses like gerbils (10% hunger, I think?) for the item quest or very rare carcasses that are a bit harder to find.
These can be brought by Sub-males Patrolling or other small items can be brought by 1-2+ lionesses (Human Leg, 10% hunger fill), & if you're just trying to maximize your single use food per lioness' hunt are perfectly fine.

I've found that, with regularly patrolling a Groupie, I never need to seek out the special food & only rarely have to alter my path if I decide to fill a Hunting quest.

So, it depends what your goal is?

Do you want your hunting party of 5 that's been hunting together for long enough to default to 2 Elephant Calf Carcasses almost every time (except wet season) ? ( = Max Hunger fill per half-hour)
Or do you want a variety of carcasses to fulfill Quests or just provide as many 'items' as possible, (= Max Item Uses per Hunt) vs. filling as much hunger as possible ( = the max Hunger fill per half-hour Hunting period method)?

However, i'm also approaching this as a "100 Uses of Big High Fill Food" (only Large carcasses that fill 60% Hunger) = 1 GB / 1k sb player, instead of these new 100 uses of any food = 1 - 2 GB.
(I have not tried selling a bundle of any carcasses for 1 GB myself so I don't know if this is the disconnect but i'm seeing more of them in trades...)

I think it's 1 lioness = 1 Hunting square, so they're each going out separately, because you have to select as many tiles as you have huntresses.
However, the number of lionesses you need to send out is counted across the entire board, so I don't know about the official lore or story behind whether each lionesses is on 1 square or they all go together. ^^

Edit: References: I use the [Unofficial] Food Percentages Guide by Robert whenever i'm inactive for a while and need to double-check which carcasses fill 60%, as well as the on-site Hunting Prey List for Quests & just now glanced at the Hunting (Wiki) to confirm that we need to select as many tiles as adult huntresses.

The 100x High Fill (60% Filling) Food compliments the rhythm of feeding a large pride 1x every 3 days (only when they hit 60% hunger right after that 3rd rollover when you get the alerts) with Feed-All Play-All (FAPA) - or giving the 100 carcasses individually if trying to gain stats- & may not be appropriate for smaller prides who feed smaller carcasses more often, players who feed their entire pride stat items (Stats are not awarded when food is given through FAPA~!) or players who prefer to feed their pride to full every day.
I personally usually sell my big carcasses & try to feed my 200+ Territory prides (Main & Side) small-med carcasses with FAPA (mostly for the Play All feature which also eliminates any concern over Broodmothers) so I just default to the 5x Watering Hole method.

I also generally prefer keeping Huntresses for their full lifetime because I keep a full pride year-round, so i'm not too familiar with maximizing item gain for new huntresses or when rotating lionesses through quickly.
The full hunting parties of 5 still bring back varied prey when they first start out, before gaining experience, so they won't have settled into the large prey rhythm quite yet either.

Feel free to let me know if i've missed your concern'! <3

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Edited on 02/02/24 @ 12:48:00 by ≾ Rah (#156300)

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