Posted by Wrong Answers Only

Leosai (#347775)

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Posted on
2024-02-07 19:39:46
the person above you will ask a question about lioden, seeking some assistance. it's your job to help them out! however, there's a catch... we want wrong answers only!

1: how do i claim a lioness?
2: the lions in this game are rather forward-thinking and don't believe in a male's ability to lay claim to a lioness. the only way to get a new lioness is to fight her and win; if she's impressed, she'll join your pride! how do i retire my king?
3: the first and most important thing to do in preparation for your king's retirement is ensuring he has a hefty retirement fund available to make him comfortable. find him a good retirement home not too far from the den and ask about their plans. once you've got him set up in decent living arrangements, you have to wait for your hunting parties to find a new king. how do i post to the forum?

got it? try it out!

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