Posted by Decor filters and Categories!

Blu - ☆ g3
Colourbomb ☆ (#246992)

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Posted on
2024-02-15 11:58:14
Sorting through tiny decor images to find a specific item can be difficult, especially if your on mobile or have a large amount of different decors

Plus most people don't plan decor in advance, they decide while in the decorating a lion menu, im suggesting we tidy up this menu a bit by adding some filters!

I propose categories are added, I understand there's thousands of decors so i propose something simple such as filtering between foreground, background, overlays, and decors your lion wears!

These could be implemented the same way event shops now work, showing all by default with checkboxes to sort further OR could be done by using dropdown menus, though I believe the first option would be more optimised + probably easier to implement since the code is already usable!

Edit: as ✦ •𝓝𝓸𝓿𝓪• ✦ pointed out, there already are categories on the Wiki! all that would need to be added is a filter of some kind

This suggestion has 8 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 16/02/24 @ 14:19:17 by Blu (#246992)

Novazthingz (#364200)

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Posted on
2024-02-15 12:05:06
Could they not check the wiki page for the decor? As the wiki page has a very organised decor section :

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Blu - ☆ g3
Colourbomb ☆ (#246992)

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Posted on
2024-02-15 12:13:15
I hadn't seen that page! I'll add it onto the post, I would assume w the categories already existing adding a filter wouldn't be as tricky perhaps

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