Posted by Improve my Heir?

athyrium (#123036)

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Posted on
2024-02-16 08:13:56
Hey all,
My king's getting up there in age so I decided to start working on an heir. I decided on this guy as I like ticked pies. I've already applied quite a few applicators, including changing his base to Arctic. Yet, I still feel unsatisfied with the results. Here's how I'm planning to make him look once he's kinged (without decor):

Wardrobe link

They're heavily based on the movie Avatar (given the name Mo'at), so I'd like to stick with the theme. However, I feel like some more markings could spruce it up even more. I just don't know what.

So, I'd love some suggestions on what markings I can add to make them look even better. I'd like for these markings to be from applicators I can easily access, such as with the generic marking applicator from the Oasis or one that I can buy from the branch. Even one from this month's event or next would be viable.

For reference, here they are with all of the decorations I plan to use:

And finally, here they are without the piebald:

Thank you for your help!

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