🔸Select "Main Male" on the search page
🔸Find the Level dropdown, & select a Main Male with a level
2 less than your king
🔸Scroll to the bottom Stats bar. Choose the "No more than" option for Stats, then in the "Total" box enter your king's current total stats
🔸Hit search, and choose a rival king with low stats!
🔸Once on a rival king's page, scroll down until you find the PVP section
🔸In the dropdown, choose "Territory", then hit the Attack button
Note: For the highest chance of winning, make sure your king's stats(& skill, ideally) are higher than the king you're trying to fight! The level doesn't matter as much--it comes down to stats.
🔸You can fight for territory up until you have 40, & then it'll cost
for each after 40
🔸Play Lioden Trivia every day & use the wiki to reference answers! You can win up to 60
every day from the Difficult questions
🔸SMASH every warthog you find in Explore & sell those stinky bois to the monkey!
🔸You see that pile of dung in Explore? Choose the "Dig" option & you'll get something you can sell!
🔸If you get the wildebeest migrating herds encounter in Explore, choose the "Guide" option to earn 3 crocodile carcasses you can sell! (I believe this a karma-specific encounter)
🔸Grab small meat chunks/carcasses from the Giving Tree & immediately sell to Monkey Business
🔸If no meat/prey at the Tree, grab scars(NOT anklebiter) to sell to Monkey Business for 3
a pop
🔸Bug decor you can grab from the Giving Tree that sells to Monkey Business: Giant Stick Insect, Carpenter Bees, Diadem Caterpillar, Stag Beetle, Blue Skimmer
You can also find these in Explore!
🔸Sell every small skull you find in Explore! You can also sell larger skulls, but sometimes it's better to bundle those in a trade for a bigger profit
🔸Beetle Battles will sometimes award 10
if you win!
🔸If you have a Submale, patrol him often! Sometimes he'll bring back items you can sell
🔸Sell extra feathers to the monkey! If you need nesting material or want to craft certain items, bury the feathers you need first, & then sell the excess
🔸Put NCL bundles up for trade. I like to bundle 5 plain NCLs & price it at 50
, & they get snapped up pretty quickly! Even better if the NCLs are in heat(make sure to mention that in the trade title!). You can keep an eye on how fast your NCL bundles go, & adjust your buyout accordingly. Bump the trade every so often!
🔸Fodder cubs, either taken from the Giving Tree or born in your pride, usually go for 10-50 SB in TC on average. You can bundle fodder or sell individually, it's up to you! Bump your trades every so often! If your fodder isn't selling, try adjusting your buyout! I usually wait a few days before adjusting my fodder prices
🔸The easiest, least stressful way to utilize a side account is to just have your side king explore, & then sell whatever he finds that you don't want to keep. You can easily transfer currency between your accounts from the Event page
🔸If you want to add a little more responsibility, you can claim 5 NCLs on your side, make them hunters, & have them hunt carcasses for even more
from your side acct! You'll have to take care of them like the lions on your main, though!