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Posted by | Pons n Gons Experts |
Rostislav (#134664)
Incredible View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2024-02-25 16:26:45 |
Hi friends!! NOTE: Please let me know if this is the incorrect board to be posting this kind of content. So I've been lurking around the threads for some answers and honestly it would probably be best to just make a post about this. I've watched like countless of Youtube vids and read so many reddit posts and lioden threads about breeding one but I've received sooo many mixed answers on how easy or difficult it is to bred a G1. I've seen one video where this girl just used a GMO cow ONE TIME and got a pon, then she got another pon using a GMO cow again. Then I've seen people who have used CRB on only a few lionesses. Maybe its insane luck but I've mostly seen people saying that getting a G1 is stupid hard and it's probably more worth it to just reverse breed other hybrids to get a G2 or older. So with that being said, I'm just going to vomit all of my questions onto this post lol. 1. Tigon or Leopon? 2. Have you ever bred a G1 leopon or tigon? If so, what was the amount of time it took you to breed one? 3. Briefly describe your strategy on breeding a G1 hybrid. Did you use all NCLs? Did you use strictly VLF? How many lionesses did you end up breeding? CRB? GMO cow? Lion meat? Mass breeding? 3. Was a G1 hybrid worth it to you? If so, why? 4. Have you ever bred a G2 or older hybrid? If so, how many tries did it take you to get one? 5. Is breeding a G2 or older easier than breeding a G1 in terms of breeding costs and time? 6. Would you recommend anyone trying to breed a G1? If so, why or why not? 7. In your personal opinion, is reverse breeding a hybrid easier or better than breeding a G1? Why or why not? --- Bonus questions: 1. I've seen soooo many people on here with multiple hybrids and I wonder, has anyone had a time where a hybrid didn't produce any hybrids in their lifetime? How often does that happen? Or is it rare? 2. Who here is LUCKY? What's the greatest number of hybrids you've produced from just one lioness? (can be a regular lioness or a hybrid) ** Feel free to answer all or just one question!! Do not feel forced to answer a question that you don't want to answer!! Thank you!! ![]() Edited on 25/02/24 @ 16:27:01 by Rostislav (#134664) |
Alexander | Full Gilded Ferus (#222356) Magnificent View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2024-02-25 18:19:52 |
Hey! For the first bonus question, it wasn’t exactly me however my friend Kyrie (169252) did have a tigon that never gave any tigon cubs 😭 it was so bad that now only recently did he start owning hybrids again 💀 https://www.lioden.com/lion.php?id=794147999726 Here's Paris, the ever so special gon that screwed them over! ![]() |
frosìti 🪶 (#229018)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2024-02-25 18:28:32 |
1. Tigon or Leopon? whichever you like best! ![]() 2. Have you ever bred a G1 leopon or tigon? If so, what was the amount of time it took you to breed one? i have not (yet) unfortunately ![]() 3. Briefly describe your strategy on breeding a G1 hybrid. Did you use all NCLs? Did you use strictly VLF? How many lionesses did you end up breeding? CRB? GMO cow? Lion meat? Mass breeding? unable to answer from personal experience 3. Was a G1 hybrid worth it to you? If so, why? unable to answer from personal experience 4. Have you ever bred a G2 or older hybrid? If so, how many tries did it take you to get one? i have! the most fails i've had was 23 in a row before finally getting a hybrid pass. 5. Is breeding a G2 or older easier than breeding a G1 in terms of breeding costs and time? i don't have much personal experience with g1s, but overall i would say that yes, breeding a g2+ is typically a lot easier 6. Would you recommend anyone trying to breed a G1? If so, why or why not? it really depends. breeding for a g1 can not only be hard, but expensive, time consuming, and frustrating. but on the flip side, you can get extremely lucky and not have to put much/any money into trying to breed one. 7. In your personal opinion, is reverse breeding a hybrid easier or better than breeding a G1? Why or why not? why i think its easier: i'd say reverse breeding one is easier - there's a guaranteed and confirmed rate that we know hybrids can pass at (10% for g1, 5% for g2+) and it's less of a gamble (imo) than using mutation chance increasing items with no confirmed %. it might take a few heats to get a pass, sure, but you could go through hundreds and thousands of crb/ncl/etc. and get absolutely no hybrids. --- Bonus questions: 1. I've seen soooo many people on here with multiple hybrids and I wonder, has anyone had a time where a hybrid didn't produce any hybrids in their lifetime? How often does that happen? Or is it rare? i've had many hybrids, and yes, there have been times where they don't produce a hybrid in their life time. i've only had it happen once to myself, but i know others who have had it happen multiple times. i would say that it is kind of ''rare'' for them not to pass as atleast 1 pass is expected. 2. Who here is LUCKY? What's the greatest number of hybrids you've produced from just one lioness? (can be a regular lioness or a hybrid) the most i've had from an existing hybrid was 3 hybrid passes (a set of twins and a pass in a different litter), which has happened twice now. ![]() |
Alexander | Full Gilded Ferus (#222356) Magnificent View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2024-02-25 19:12:15 |
Oh and sorry for double posting but I got a few answers of my own! 1. If you like rosettes breeding then definitely go for Leopons, otherwise it's down to your personal preference 2. Hell no 💀 3a. Can't answer 😮💨 3b: Rn, I think it's worth it, my first gen did break my 6 failed heats streak ![]() 4. Longest amount of time: 7 heats. cubs in bio, but you can technically say 2 heats since she was co-owned If overall: Unsure, but, 7 in a row seems to be it for me. 5. I am not completely sure of the question ![]() If you mean attempting to breed a gen 1 or 2 leopon then gen 2 all the way. If you mean in the scenario that you already own one of the 2, then I say gen 1. 6. It depends if you're willing to dip in alot of money for a chance of subpar results. There's somebody who got a gen 1 tigon from 14 crbs (I'll update when I do) , and there's another person that spend a couple of years before encountering their first gen tigon. I guess it depends if you truly want to do it then definitely go for it, but be prepared for the long hall. You are going to need money. Lots of it. Cost of territory, nesting, crbs (going for anything else would most likely be a waste of money, as it only increases the CHANCE of a mutation, not a specific mutation itself. ) food etc,,, crb projects costs STACK like all hell. Some batches you might not even get anything for a return, maybe a few pies/primals whatever MAX. So really, are you prepared for the challenge is the question. And ofc you can get lucky and the first gen magically appears making every statement above null and void LMFAOOO. 7. Reverse breeding a g1 specifically would be better. Again, there's a chance of dipping hundreds of gb for 0 return. Bonus questions: 1. Me personally? Never happened to me. And thank goodness 😅 but it is very rare that you get 0 passes ever. 2. Only one per litter for me, that's my max. 😔 ![]() Edited on 25/02/24 @ 19:13:57 by Alexander | Full Gilded Ferus (#222356) |
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