Posted by LIOLOCKE/HardMode Challange

🔭🧪 (#434946)

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Posted on
2024-02-26 11:02:26
This is my hardmode/liolocke! Not official hardmode as I did not start with a rolled leader, but the concept overall is same as it is heritageless :)

the story mainly focuses on Carnyx, a lion who was cursed with a very short life and would only be leader for a few years. After she took the throne, an elderly lioness [Zain] who was a noble servant of the previous leader, Krios, decides she does not trust this new queen. She tries her best to overthrow her (and tries again many times for the rest of her life), but K II is stronger and younger. She is wounded though, and in order to not die, she must accept Zain as her "advisor", despite Zain being cruel in the last years of her life. In the end, Zain is the one doing the ruling and makes a bunch of strict rules in order to keep the pride's "safety". If Carnyx breaks these rules even once, she dies.

Absolutely NO inbreeding. In the case it may occur, an abortion MUST happen or else all cubs will be killed immediately. Lions must be heritageless or bred within the pride. Studs must be heritageless or G2*. Any currently inbred lions must die (or be put in a different cave since they're stored from main acc lol)
*ONLY in the case of mutations such as Ferus or Dorsal Fur which cannot be G1.
Lionesses can only be claimed or purchased, and they must be heritageless or G2 coming with mother, so the mother can be treated by the rules and be renamed if needed.

Cubs: If cubs do not have at least one trait of the mother and father, they must be faterolled.
Only exception is if they are a hybrid, as then they would be given the default appearance.
Chances for standard cubs is 50% live, 25% weaken, 25% die. Weakened cubs will have a higher chance of dying next rollover on next fateroll. (30% live, 70% die)
Mutated cubs have a 25% live, 25% die, 40% weaken, 10% purify. Purified muties will be kept, but must be given an applicator or special trait in order to live. They will be immune to faterolling afterwards. Lowest stat cub in a litter must be faterolled no matter what, 50-50 chance.

If a cub makes it to being an adol, the rules change. Even immune cubs must follow these rules.
They MUST patrol or hunt at least once a day. If not, dead. If the hunt/patrol fails, any adols must be rolled for punishment. 50% chance forgiven, 25% kill, 25% weaken for next r/o
Standard fateroll rules apply for muts or whatever.

Lionesses and lions must hunt/patrol at least 3 times a day. If they fail to bring anything back, they are given the same rolls as adols. Submales are immune IN THE CASE they are seen as heirworthy, and then they are immune to all rules and faterolls. Lionesses have to be a broodmother before hunters are chosen. Only until all broodmother slots are full are hunters chosen. Broodmothers do not have to hunt (ofc) Lionesses are never chased just for being "ugly", they have to go through standard rolls as usual.

The king/queen MUST be 8 years or older when kinged. Leaders in the Œdevian pride are cursed with short lives. You start out with 3 lives, and with every level up, you gain (lvl) x lives. Lives are lost if an NPC battle is lost. NPC battles must not be skipped unless it is an event encounter. If all lives are lost, you die. If you cannot retire right away, you must not rollover until enough GB have been collected.
If there is no heir to take the throne, you must find one. No keeping appearance or rerolling. If applicable, you king a descendent of yours (preferably a direct child.) If not, it doesn't matter, but your children take precedence. All lioness slots are reset with each new king/queen. In order to gain "new" slots, you must beat a lioness NPC. Losing does not count as a life loss, just a failed territory battle.
Once Zain dies, a direct descendant of hers must be living at all times in order to carry on her legacy. If Zain does not have living family members, you MUST "reincarnate" her via an Ankh Ferus. If no Feruses are available, any primal variant will do (felis > regular > PF) Try and keep new Zain line alive as long as possible. Zain offspring are immune to faterolls.

that's all for now, might add more later :)

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🔭🧪 (#434946)

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Posted on
2024-02-26 11:05:14
Additional/Msc rules:
All lions must be decorated.
No symbols are allowed in lion names. Regular names only. Accented Roman characters are OKAY if the word needs one.
All lions must be POSED unless they have a mutation that says otherwise. Male lions will be given Lab Frogs unless Spirited is released

Lions must always be fed to 100

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Edited on 26/02/24 @ 11:20:41 by nebula 2.0 [#1 esker fan] (#434946)

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