Posted by damu king project

grassman 🌱 |
albino (#282830)

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Posted on
2024-02-28 15:02:35

wandering sun ☀️ : a damu project

threw out my mobola project, this is a thread to document my current damu project. no longer in love with sunday and no longer attached unfortunately.

this project is split into four phases:
step 1: damu + ruffian skin + pearl + royal + any gold, but pref umber
step 2: damu base + markings

✧ ✧ ✧ ✧

view my current progress here

end goal


base: damu
eyes: pearl
skin: ruffian
mane: [royal or savage] + umber/copal/fulvous

last updated: 2-28
slot 1: goridhe crackle [ rare: 13 lions ]
obtained from #200405 - trade
slot 2: seal panther [ rare: 14 lions ]
obtained from #303287 - reverse breeding
slot 3: ginger roan [ rare: 9 lions ]
obtained from #169873 - trade
slot 4: fulvous shine [ rare 89 lions ]
obtained from #166431 - trade
slot 5: gold indri [ rare: 11 lions ]
obtained from #166431 - trade
slot 6: goridhe siamese [ rare: 17 lions ]
asking bilby
slot 7: marigold lace [ rare: 3 lions ]
obtaining? from #112180 - trade?
slot 8: royal underfelt [ rare: 49 lions ]
obtained from #166431 - trade
slot 9: rma
slot 10: goridhe margay [ rare: 2 lions ]
waiting on cub from #30958 - gift? trade?

potential decor


montagne d'ambre national park - serengeti shuffle
CD: dinosaur steps [body paint] ✔️
event scar: fallen champion
moss agate hoop bands ✔️
endangered hipwear [leopard]
amber earrings ✔️
CD: deep eyes ✔️
CD: tsavo mane [kimanjano] ✔️
CD: long tail extensions [gilded] ✔️
CD: paper lantern ✔️
ferns - april

cost: 300 + 41

total cost tracker

41 350

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Edited on 05/03/24 @ 21:13:52 by grassman side 🌱 | pearl (#243884)

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