Posted by my hoarding tracker๐Ÿชถ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’Ž

Albino} (#462783)

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Posted on
2024-03-02 00:27:42

My Hoarding Tracker

- i made this to keep track of what i'm hoarding for events/crafts
- just ignore lol (unless u wanna snoop on my hoarding updates)
-note 2 self: ctrl+f to find targets

- Skulls๐Ÿ’€
- Herbs๐ŸŒฟ
- Thirst Quenchers๐Ÿน
- Gems๐Ÿ’Ž
- Shiny Rocks๐Ÿ‘‘
- Feathers๐Ÿชถ

chimpanzeeskull-1chimp skulls: 232 // uses: 696
cowskull-1cow skulls: 21 // uses: 80
elephantskull-1elephant skulls: 194 // uses: 3879
hipposkull-1hippo skulls: 46 // uses: 276
lionskull-1lion skulls: 266 // uses: 3990
Rhino-Skull-1rhino skulls: 82 // uses: 820
hyenaskullsp-1spotted hyena skulls: 35 // uses: 140
๐Ÿ’€total uses: 9881๐Ÿ’€

buchubuchu: 9
dreamrootdream root: 11
honeybushhoney bush: 83
ibogarootiboga root: 112
imphephoimphepho: 89
marulafruitmarula fruit: 105
nutgrassnut grass: 19
ubhubhubhuubhubhubhu: 106
umganuumganu: 127
uqumeuqume: 128
uvuma-omhlopeuvuma-omhlope: 91
uzara-1uzara: 122
๐ŸŒฟtotal: 1002๐ŸŒฟ

๐ŸนThirst Quenchers๐Ÿน
africancucumberafrican cucumber: 85
aloeleafaloe leaf: 83
opuntiastripped cacti: 119
waterrootwater root: 261
๐Ÿนtotal: 548๐Ÿน

gemamethystamethyst: 46
gem-bloodstonebloodstone: 27
gemcarneliancarnelian: 16
gem-catseyecat's eye: 241
gemcelestitecelestite: 30
gemdioptasedioptase: 37
gemfireopalfire opal: 18
gemgarnetgarnet: 68
gemhematitehematite: 73
gem-howlitehowlite: 19
gemjasperjasper: 31
gem-kunzitekunzite: 45
gemlabradoritelabradorite: 31
gemmeteoritemeteorite: 18
gemmoonstonemoonstone: 22
gemmossagatemoss agate: 66
gemnuumitenuummite: 17
gemperidotperidot: 45
gemrhodoniterhodonite: 66
gemopalroughrough opal: 19
gemroughrubyrough ruby: 64
gemopalsparklingsparkling opal: 30
gem-starrubystar ruby: 33
gem-tanzanitetanzanite: 61
naturalglass-1natural glass: 33
๐Ÿ’Žtotal: 1156๐Ÿ’Ž

๐Ÿ‘‘Shiny Rocks๐Ÿ‘‘
shinyblackblack: xx
shinygreengreen: xx
shinyorangeorange: xx
shinyredred: xx
shinytealteal: xx
shinywhitewhite: xx
rainbowstones-1rainbow stones: xx
๐Ÿ‘‘total: ---๐Ÿ‘‘

featheralbinoalbino: 42/140
feather-buzzardarcher's buzzard: 24/20
feather-owlbarnbarn owl: 31/30
feathercranecrane: 10/10
feather-flamingoflamingo: 139/145
feather-glossyibisglossy ibis: 124/125
greycranefeathergrey crowned crane: 32/30
hoopoefeatherhoopoe: 19/20
featherhornbillhornbill: 20/20
feather-kingfishercommonkingfisher: 122/95
malachitesunbirdfeathersmalachite sunbird: 39/87
feather-nightjarnightjar: 123/120
feather-ostrichostrich: 106/175
feather-sacredibissacred ibis: 74/50
scimitarfeathersscimitarbill: 6/55
feather-senagalsenegal: 99/10
feather-shiningdrongoshining drongo: 236/230
feather-shoebillshoebill: 71/70
Feather-shrikeshrike: 50/45
featherspoonbillspoonbill: 26/15
feather-vulturevulture: 113/110
feather-vulturineguineafowlvulturine guineafowl: 51/50
๐Ÿชถtotal: ----๐Ÿชถ
html layout by honey (#32043). do not remove credit.
crow pixels by I-crows-I on deviantart.

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Edited on 28/06/24 @ 21:08:04 by ๐Ÿš๐Ÿ„Snoe Leppard๐Ÿ„๐Ÿš (#462783)

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