Posted by Send messages to Trade Watchers

carolina! :D 5/50
bundles (#437597)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2024-03-02 10:54:05
I don't know if anyone has done anything like this before, but there should be a game option where if you're currently owning a trade who has watchers, you could notify them.

This is so that you can give updates such as, "Hey, my pon is growing up soon and when she turns 2 years old, I'm going to be canceling this trade." Just as a heads-up to the watchers.

I'm not sure if this would be useful or if this even makes sense, but I believe this could help some people.

This would be completely anonymous since some people dislike it being public, and perhaps there should be another option where you can turn off these kinds of notifications so when you watch a trade, you won't get any updates.

Please leave some feedback! Im okay with criticism, just please stay respectful I could add some edits to this aswell.

This suggestion has 23 supports and 22 NO supports.

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Edited on 26/05/24 @ 19:27:35 by G3 DAEDAL | Carolina (#437597)

itzVera [G1
12.18.2020 rlc] (#405030)

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Posted on
2024-03-08 07:45:53
I have different feelings about this!
I'd support because if somebody had watched my trade, I'd like to ask them if they'd like to negotiate. yes, that'd be kinda great.
but I'd also not support because privacy. some people just watch trades to view the offers (such as a trade called 'g2 leopon for offer' and you notice 50 people are watching that). so basically people just want to see the offers, not actually want to trade.

but its quite a great idea anyway!

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Possum | G3 Broken
Cimm (#46455)

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Posted on
2024-05-25 07:17:48
I 100% want this SO BADLY
Many times I sell cubs on the TC and they often age out, and every now and then I can see someone is watching one of them but I can't message them to tell them "Hey, she aged up and I'm going to chase her for space, lets work out a deal"

As for Vera's concern for privacy, the option to anonymously watch a trade should also be available like you originally presented.

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🗡️ LunarKnight
(G1 Ennedi) (#151072)

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Posted on
2024-05-26 17:09:21
I'm on the fence about this. I can imagine I'll make some folks not want to watch trades. I've seen some pretty impatient sounding folks complaining about the number of watchers on their trade(s) in main chat. I can only imagine what'll happen when they know who's all watching. Personally I wouldn't watch any trades if this was coded as I don't always plan to buy when watching. For reasons already stated. Not everyone will understand so it could cause some friction.

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Magnituda [sunrise
project] (#198042)

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Posted on
2024-05-26 17:13:06
No support. For reasons already stated.


Maybe instead of this - we could have a system to send a message to all watchers? Then they could have an option to respond anonymously or as themselves.

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carolina! :D 5/50
bundles (#437597)

Scourge of Lions
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-05-26 19:21:00
After reading all your thoughts, I'm deciding to make a few edits to match your descriptions and make this better

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PandasRoK (she/her) (#75161)

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Posted on
2024-06-15 08:04:55

Love this idea.

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