Posted by ⟡❀|Mass breeding Project/Tracker|❀⟡

ct King}⭐️ (#384436)

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Posted on
2024-03-04 20:11:27
Please don’t comment/post anything on this forum unless i’ve given permission to!

Decided to start mass breeding NCL because i need to do something outside of february and in hope of a first gen, dwarf or lethal to be born :3|Started on March 2nd, 2024|This is where i’ll be documenting my progress and results (may have random pauses because I take breaks due to my mental health)

Leopon OR Overgrown Fur OR Tigon➜ Patches/Piebald➜ GMO Cow/Lion Meat ➜ Cotton Root Bark ➜ Fertility/Natural Chance ➜ Lion Scrotum ➜ Primal ➜ Dorsal Fur➜ Tigon Boost➜ Mukombero ➜ Dorsal Fur

Rules set for me:
~ No using CRB or stuff like it since i have scarce resources or have the money to (since i’m broke)
~ Don’t check for amps (since i’m a brokie), only check if the lioness had a CRB effect
~ (Added 8/28/24) I’ll only be noting down cubs that get mutations or rosettes as part of the results since it’s a hassle noting down the rare bases for me

I will sell ANY MUTIES I get from this project since i do need to earn some money, if anyone’s seeing this you can message me privately if you want a certain cub that’s was born

If a first Gen is born i will sell barked heats on February, the mother will also be kept instead of being chased to be part of lore i have in mind and because she’ll have a special place in my heart

The mass breeding Cave: ⟡❀|Brooding Grove|❀⟡

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Edited on 16/11/24 @ 01:03:16 by ⭐️c0rrupxt{G1 Splash, 11BO}⭐️ (#384436)

ct King}⭐️ (#384436)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-03-04 20:11:37
Batch 1 (Old king):
started 3/2/2024|26 Lionesses, 2 Natural CRB, 48 Cubs|Results: 1x Svelte Pie, Demiurge Base, NHR and Blep Baby!

Batch 2 (Old king):
Started 3/5/2024|28 Lions, 1 Natural CRB|Results: 1x Svelte Pie, 1 MR and 5x Rare/Breed only Bases

Batch 3 (Old king):
Started 3/8/2024|28 Lions|Results: 1x NHR and 5x Rare/Breed only Bases

Batch 4 (Old king):
Started 3/14/2024|27 Lions|Results: Undocumented

Batch 5 (Old king):
Started 8/24/2024|25 Lions|Results: 2 Cubs with random rosettes

Batch 6 (New king):
Started 9/28/2024|20 Lions|Results: 1 Splash pie, 4 Rare base cubs

THIS PROJECT IS ON HIATUS, i took on another project which will be consuming most of my time. i’ll be back when i can to update this again! - 10/29/2024

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Edited on 29/10/24 @ 23:54:12 by ⭐️c0rrupxt{G1 Splash, 11BO}⭐️ (#384436)

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