Posted by Bo marking heir project :3

William Afton 🪣 (#277661)

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Posted on
2024-03-06 03:16:16
I have started my first bo breeding project! so ill make this thread to keep track of stuff :3

I'm going for full bo markings for now, the rest will be applicators since I can't be bothered to deal with base pass rates

the desired markings are as follows:

1 Briar Brindle [ x ]
2 feline 1 Noctis [ x ]
3 Feline 9 Noctis [ x ]
4 White Soft Unders [ x ]
5 Feline 2 Noctis [ x ]
6 Noctis Margay [ x ]
7 feline 4 Noctis [ x ]
8 Noctis Soft Rosette (rare slot) [ x ]
9 briar dorsal line [ / ]
10 briar freckles 1 [ / ]

but since slot 9 and 10 are so rare I have not gotten any lions with these markings and don't think I will any time soon, I will compromise

slot 9 will be briar freckles 1 (was 3 but I got lucky) and slot 10 briar dorsal line unless i can get my hands on something better

so! I have all the lions with the marks I just need to combine them all onto one lion and since some markings dont have studs or very few ill have to be careful to breed those first so I dont lose the marking and have to buy another one :/

I hope this project won't cost too many breeding items

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Edited on 30/03/24 @ 02:36:10 by Henry Emily 🪣 (#277661)

⁑ SiRah (#159527)

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Posted on
2024-03-06 05:07:38

Good luck creating this majestic marking stack!
If you don't mind a suggestion/confirmation, definitely focus first on creating more breeders with your most-rare slots & make sure to keep those traits going.

If you find cost to be an issue, you could try focusing first on the 'key anchoring traits' that really make this design feel like this lion? Like, the most impactful markings that you really want to see first.

I'd go for the hardest to keep going/access Briar Brindle (though someone could technically king one anytime <3), your favorite noctis, & if cost will be an issue perhaps save the Ochre Gnawrock of Noctis Soft Rosette for either: 1) when you're about to lose the trait in your pride (if you have an elderly lioness with it aging out of breedability, for example) or 2) September when we're able to restock on Ochre Gnawrocks!

I enjoy seeing players go for & succeed in their pretty lion designs/dreams, so I really hope you can make this lion exactly how you imagined.

Regarding the emoji choice of the line " but since slot 9 and 10 are from a rl line that only a few people have access to i will have to compromise " (understandable?): it looks like the slot is actually out there & exists with players happy to share or negotiate for a single-marking cub when asked respectfully. Targeting rare slots of players' personal sentimental/project lines, or slots that at first glance seem like they wouldn't be shared, it's usually best to remember that you only want-'need' that one marking not a full clone or anything approaching the actual unique lion which players are sometimes happy to share. There's a chance they may consider that One Rare Slot her 'total look' in which case yes it's best to happily 'compromise' with a next-best-choice, but it's usually best to stay respectful/watch tone & try reaching out if there is indication that it might be welcome.
It seems like you've made an assumption & decided to grudgingly compromise while publicly posting a , so apologies if i'm in turn reading that wrong! <3
Slot rarity can be a tricky topic especially when others are building/bought unique designs (as i'm sure you're aware) or already have personal attachment, so I hope you don't mind the random gentle navigation suggestion.

Have fun! <3

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William Afton 🪣 (#277661)

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Posted on
2024-03-06 09:24:51
hello :) (i dont know how to @ people or if that is even a thing)

I'm sorry for being disrespectful to any players regarding my choice of words, I did not mean to be like that. It was meant to be a more playful "gosh diddly darn, that sure kinda somewhat sucks for me" kind of statement but with the use of the emoji and my, admittedly, frustration at missing out on getting one of the marks twice I see how I wrote them in a much different tone than what my actual feelings towards this are. I have no negative feelings towards the owners of these lions, it is their choice to not spread the line everywhere, so I have reworded that part of my post. Ill proofread my posts next time :/

But, regarding possibly getting lions with these markings, isnt it against Tos to ask someone if they will trade a lion unless it is already for sale or specifically said to be for sale? That has been my interpretation of rule 1.4 so far

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William Afton 🪣 (#277661)

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Posted on
2024-03-06 09:28:29
current studs for the project, I am about to be a loyal customer to some of these

1 Briar Brindle - 1 stud
2 feline 1 Noctis - no studs!
3 Feline 9 Noctis - 21 studs
4 White Soft Unders - 20 studs
5 Feline 2 Noctis (rare slot) - 2 studs
6 Noctis Margay - 15 studs
7 feline 4 Noctis (rare slot) - 1 stud
8 Noctis Soft Rosette (rare slot) - 1 stud
9 briar freckles 1 - no studs!
10 briar dorsal line - 14 studs

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Edited on 12/03/24 @ 06:27:12 by Henry Emily 🪣 (#277661)

⁑ SiRah (#159527)

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Posted on
2024-03-06 12:15:16
Absolutely, my only intention was to point out merely how that phrase may come across- i'm glad there's nothing behind!

You are correct, which is why it's important to look around at the lions' Bios & sometimes even Dens of users or their prime linked forums before considering approaching.
Some keepers of rare slots have a line in their Bio along the phrasing of "Happy to help spread rare slots! <3 - Just ask" ( ) & provided you approach respectfully & they're not currently working with it themselves + didn't agree to terms before sending (usually can be figured out through bios/forums) + have enough to spread around, they'll mark it down for you & get in touch when a cub to spare is born. <3

There are harsh turns in areas & it's important to be aware of those, as well, but in this case it may be one of those (i'm not sure as I don't want the slots myself so haven't taken them up on the offer)

Best of luck collecting everything & i'm sure your active studs will appreciate you! :'D <333

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William Afton 🪣 (#277661)

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Posted on
2024-03-30 02:35:49
finally, after many many cubs, one has been born with TWO of the correct marks
and of course he is male.

he has slot 3: feline 9 noctis and slot 5: feline 2 noctis
hopefully the next one with 2 slots comes faster than this one, maybe even when the next 2 give birth tomorrow

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