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Posted by | ⭐️ MUT IDEA: Spina bifida ⭐️ |
AntiJarJarBinks | Aspen (#261603) Usual View Forum Posts Posted on 2024-03-09 18:17:33 |
what is Spina Bifida? Spina bifida is a neurological developmental abnormality in cats and other animals characterized by improper growth and formation of vertebral arches. This defect leaves a gap or cleft in the spine and the spinal cord is partially or completely exposed. How would this affect lions in Lioden? This mutation could be a random Lethal/mostly lethal mutation, that would appear at birth. If it is an adult lethal mutation like deaf lions, they would be able to have cubs but would have a risk of dying in a similar way to deaf lions. If they do give birth without dying, the mutation would not be passable. They could also not hunt, patrol, or be kinged. If it’s a lethal mutation: If the mutation was going to be lethal (in a way like clefties), then the cub would die at 4-5 months. Why 4-5 months? Well if it’s a Lethal cub mutation, the cub wouldn’t be too young but it wouldn’t be near an adol age. Example! Without color: Flare text!: 0 month: (lioness) noticed one of her cubs had an odd bulge on their lower spine! The cub seems to be relatively okay otherwise, and is suckling nicely. 1 month: (cub) seems to not be able to move their hind legs as well as other cubs, however they seem to try to play and frolic just as well as the others! 2 months: (cub) greeted you happily this morning, although they seem to be having more trouble walking today. (Lioness) seemed worried about (cub). 3 months: (lioness) came to you this morning seeming upset. She explained that when (cub) was playing with the other cubs, (cub) got injured on that odd bulge and there is a white cord sticking out of their spine! 4 months: (cub) doesn’t seem so well…their hind legs aren’t working at all, not to mention that white cord doesn’t seem to be getting healed… 4 months (if the cub died): (cub) was found cold to the touch this morning, it seems the injury to the spine was fatal. 5 months: (lioness) woke up to find (cub) cold to the touch. (Cub) died from a lethal deformity. if it’s a Semi-lethal mutation If Spina Bifida were to be a semi-lethal mutation (like deaf lions), then the lion would most likely die at 4-5 years. >examples for adult fatal Mut coming soon< Flare text!: 0 months: (lioness) noticed something odd about one of her cubs, there is what looks like a slight soft spot in their lower spine and their hind legs seem to be partially paralyzed! When/if they survive to be closer to the end of their life, then they will have updates every rollover until they pass- like the deaf lions! Update 1: if it weren’t for the rest of your pride, (cub) would’ve gotten trampled by a herd storming through the territory! Luckily one of your pride members managed to help get them to safety by pushing the forward from behind. Update 2: if it weren’t for (cub)’s quick adapted reflexes, they would’ve gotten killed by that hyena! Luckily they managed to get a bite at its neck before it could bite (cub)’s. Update 3: (cub) decided to stay around the den and look at the wildflowers that have started growing around. You came and greeted them, and they responded by wobbly sitting up and giving you a slightly dead wildflower. How adorable! Update 4: sometimes you can’t help but be jealous of (cub). Especially when you had the displeasure of feeling a spider crawl up your back leg! (Cub) probably wouldn’t have even felt it due to their semi-paralyzed hind legs. Update 5: you woke up to being squashed by (cub). for a lion/ess who has a deformity, you wouldn’t expect it to be so hard to push them off of you! Death messages: 1: (cub) had been found dead in the plains today. It seemed they must’ve got caught in a stampede due to their fatal spine defect. 2: you woke up to (cub) being stiff and cold, seems they got that odd part of their spine kicked and got an infection without anyone in the pride being aware of it. how would it change the lineart? For it to be a lethal cub mutation, then it would most likely appear as a cub similar in looks to clefties without the cleft. It would also have a sort of gross looking growth on its spine. For lethal adults, it would probably be an overlay that made it look like it had a dent in its lower spine. Or it would look like it was in a sitting position with a dent in its lower spine for a non-overlay (and because its hind legs would be partially paralyzed). If you don’t support, tell me why! I’d like to know why not! |
Amity {2x rosette} (#305255)
View Forum Posts Posted on 2024-03-21 16:34:32 |
I have spina bifida myself and i would LOVE to see this in a game!!!!!! i'd be the biggest collector lmao 0 players like this post! Like? |
AntiJarJarBinks | Aspen (#261603) Usual View Forum Posts Posted on 2024-03-21 18:00:11 |
lunar_moon 🌙 (#153539)
Aztec Knight View Forum Posts Posted on 2024-03-22 05:18:37 |
AntiJarJarBinks | Aspen (#261603) Usual View Forum Posts Posted on 2024-03-23 14:55:30 |
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