Posted by Alluding to sales/begging

Merciful|12BO 3xRos
Demonic (#447656)

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Posted on
2024-03-15 15:07:50
I have a few questions about some things I’ve been seeing in the main chat lately.

A lot of people asking if a certain lion is a stud or a dud link their king who is an active stud. Would this be against the rules since they could be hinting at sales?

There’s been an abundance of posts from various players that complain about something or say they need something and it sometimes looks like passive begging. Things such as “omg, I just bought my heir and my Leopon went into heat but I have no more GB to buy a buffy! What do I do?”, “guys, how do I get an IBF in 30 minutes?”, “wow, how do you have so much GB? I’m so poor :(“ or “no one buys or even offers on my trades :(“. Are these considered begging despite them not explicitly asking for stuff?

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Terrinthia [G1,
semi-frozen] (#97101)

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Posted on
2024-03-15 15:25:22
I think stud/dud questions are usually looking for validation on whether people consider their king pretty or desirable. It can get them stud requests, but it's not (typically) the main objective :)

As far as the second question goes, lots of players consider those sorts of messages to be veiled begging and find it annoying, but it's not technically against the rules I guess.

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