Posted by Studding Messages

Nia | 16 BO G1
Mosaic (#386585)

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Posted on
2024-03-15 20:46:35
This is a suggestion for adding an improvement and decrease to the spam of studding messages that often gets sent/delivered on the regular! Yes its important to stay up to date on your lioness being bred, but instead of being spammed multiple messages for every failed attempt, if we got 1 message every 15 minutes with an update on the fails, plus the message of success when it is done.

If you don't support this idea or have feedback please leave a comment! I would love to get some more opinons on any/all of my topics! 😁

send a stud request
Player accepts whenever they get one
innital message is sent saying that the breeding has started
15 minutes later a message is sent saying X amount of failed attempts done

a few hours later(or whatever the time is between tries) when the player has a chance to try breeding again, there will be another message of whatever the remaining failed attempts are, plus a final message saying there was success

If the lioness gets bred quickly, then they would receive 2 messages, 1 with the failed attempts(assuming there were some), followed by the message of success

This suggestion has 12 supports and 2 NO supports.

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Edited on 18/03/24 @ 23:15:19 by Nia | 13 BO G1 Mela (#386585)

Ellie (#78196)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-03-15 21:33:08

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