Posted by Bookmarks Auto-Named
Basil (#424178)

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Posted on
2024-03-17 14:21:17
Maybe it's just me, but when I make a bookmark, it's generally if I see a cool lion or a cool den. Which means I don't normally name the bookmark. Because of this, all the bookmarks are just auto-named either "Den" or "Lion Page" and it's impossible to tell the difference between all of them/the lions/dens name. Because of this, I think if, similar to Wolvden, the bookmarks were given the name's of the pride (which I believe is just the lion name 's den), and the lion pages given their names.

For example, if I made a bookmark of my den, it would be auto-named:
ʙᴀꜱɪʟ's Den

And if I bookmarked a lion's page in my den, it would be auto-named:
Cassiopeia (Seal!!)

Of course you could edit what they were called after, I just think this would be so much easier than having to sift through:
Lion Page
Lion Page
without knowing who/what the bookmark was. Obviously I feel this is rather low priority, but I think it would just make bookmarks a little easier :)

If you don't support, please tell me whyyyyy. Otherwise, I can't wait to read the comments lol

This suggestion has 30 supports and 0 NO supports.

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ut❤ (#396622)

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Posted on
2024-03-20 15:13:51
i defiently agree!
i hat seeing so many lion dens or den bookmark i have to sort through .. just makes me cuestion why made all those bookmarks in the first place xD

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