Posted by Lioden Trivia Gives Answer If Wrong
Basil (#424178)

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2024-03-21 19:43:06
Maybe this feature is on purpose, but I'm always a little sad when I get a question wrong in Lioden Trivia, but then don't know the correct answer. I don't want to look it up online because I feel like that's unfair, so it's just a mystery. I can see the point of view of the answer not being shared because there aren't a whole lot of questions (in the grand scheme of things), but I think it would be cool/helpful. Because I know irl I will spew random animal facts, so knowing the correct answer will help you know more about the natural world :)

The answers could be in the same message as it saying that the answer is incorrect. Something like (idk word for word what it says): "That answer was incorrect. The correct answer was: blah"

idk i just thought it would be useful ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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