Posted by Raise and chase

Skyvole (#427775)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2024-03-28 10:28:00
This entire thing is based on the threads raise and chase on wolfden

This thread is for people to get help raising and chasing lions also so peopel can get food and toys if they need it. Also I want to look at the chase pool and see if I find patterns.

What is a chased lion
A chased lion is a lioness that is chased form someone's pride and put into the chased pool of lions
These lions are usually evil or snarky, but can be of all personality types

Good lions to chase
4 or more marks
BO traits
Rosettes/melted stripes
Special base
^comment on more that makes a lion more favorable^
Please avoid chasing lions with triggering marks (like may marks example: rumble) becuase it could cause some players to have headaches or worse.

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Edited on 28/03/24 @ 10:33:18 by Skyvole (#427775)

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