Posted by Polydactyl.

πŸ‘½ Cat lady πŸ‘½ (#358633)

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Posted on
2024-03-29 16:48:04
Come on. You see nearly everyone weeping over a cats toe beans. It's the same for any feline! "Aw!! Look at the toe beans! :33". What if we had the Polydactyl mutation? It would be so fun to have a new mutie to aim for, and very cute looking.

I were to choose if the mutation passes down, I'd say yes. It is a real like occurrence for Polydactyl to pass down, and I think that it could go around two generations without passing down, then randomly the cubs will have a higher chance of getting the mutation again.

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Edited on 10/04/24 @ 02:26:21 by π’„π’’αŽΏπ’¨π’œαŽΏπ’ (#358633)

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