Posted by Tigon?

Pipipua (#465747)

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Posted on
2024-03-31 12:46:09
I'm kind of new here, still making sense of everything so I'm sorry if my questions are dumb. I've seen some tigons around and I find them adorable, and I was wondering how to get one, and what the difference is between "1st gen" and others. Any help or info is appreciated!

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Project PRIVATE (#230272)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2024-03-31 12:58:13
First gen is when the mom isn't a tigon.

So if I used a CRB on a newly claimed lioness, and it gave birth to a tigon, it'll be a First generation.

Others, it'll say 'Tigon' next to the mutation because the mutation carried on.

G1 (First generation) will have a 10% to pass the mutation over to the cubs, when it comes to anything that isn't a First Gen, it'll be 5%

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Magnituda [sunrise
project] (#198042)

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Posted on
2024-04-01 04:13:02
Fair warning - it's EXTREMELY small chance to get a tigon from CRB. You could go through 1000 of CRBs and never get one. So my advice is - save GB to buy a tigon cub outright. Next month, May, has Lion Scrotum in the event shop and they easily sell for 10gb even during May. And for more if you wait a month or two with selling. So you can have GB to buy a tigon in no time Also - to get best results once you will have the tigon - you should use Buffalo scrotum (or Grain of Paradise) each breeding. And if you'll use Instant Cub Delivery each time (and zebra heart once the tigon is 2yo) you'll get 8 heats out of her instead of 7.

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TheClassCalico (#88888)

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Posted on
2024-03-31 13:06:23
First-gen Tigons are generated very rarely by random chance and have specific characteristics associated with Tigons (they will resemble a tiger in markings and colour more closely). Second-gen Tigons are lions that have inherited the mutation from their mother, and the rest of their genetics work like any other lion. However, as mentioned above, they have a reduced chance of passing down their mutation.

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Edited on 31/03/24 @ 13:07:37 by TheClassCalico (#88888)

Pipipua (#465747)

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Posted on
2024-03-31 13:51:21
Thank you! I guess it's time to save up my sb to buy gb and buy crb for my lionesses! (that was a m̶o̶u̶t̶h̶f̶u̶l̶ keyboardful)

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