Posted by keep filters on when leaving item stack

torako (#6092)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2024-03-31 18:26:31
if you're browsing your hoard with a filter applied and click on a single item and use it up, you're automatically redirected back to the hoard with the same filters applied. but if you click on an item stack and use it up, you stay on the item stack screen and have to click "go back" to get back to the hoard, and it removes the filter. i think it would be nice if using up an item stack worked the same as using up an item, automatically going back to the hoard with the same filters applied. it would be more convenient and you wouldn't have to load as many pages.

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Edited on 31/03/24 @ 18:29:02 by torako (#6092)

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