Posted by When do you chase a Lioness?
Mirazhe (#471865)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2024-04-05 10:10:59
As a new player, I am curious what factors others here like considering when they chase off cubs or lionesses. So, what makes you nope out of a lioness?

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Sunrise Surprise [G1
Ennedi] (#98263)

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Posted on
2024-04-05 10:13:09
I'm mainly just keeping lions that further my breeding projects right now, so I chase or kill lions that don't fit enough to be worthy of taking up space. But I also sometimes get rid of lions with fertility below 20% if I've grown tired of buying chasteberries to boost their fertility enough to breed them with only a few tries.

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Mirazhe (#471865)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2024-04-05 10:16:57
Ah, so low fertility and if they don't fit? I just learned 100% marks aren't necessarily valuable which kills some of my excitement for a lioness I picked up. She's pretty but nothing special I think and her stats are low. I've been debating on whether to chase her. I don't like the idea of 'killing' them. Even if its just a game.

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🧦’+ basil
[15BO Sealbomb] (#466337)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-04-05 10:32:20
Felt the same thing at first <‘3
And if you think the lioness is pretty and you want to keep her then my advice would be not to chase her! Imo, its better to end up w/ a pride you actually like than a pride full of “value” lionesses you dislike! Personal experience cuz I used to hoard muties (even ones I hated) and I ended up selling them for 300SB a pop just bc I wanted to get rid of them quick.

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Mirazhe (#471865)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2024-04-05 10:37:50
Haha I get you! I dont want misc 'value' but I do want to impress lionesses and territory only grows so fast from pvp. Im actively trying to up my impression level. My problem is that I am new so everything looks pretty so long as colors complement. So I need other reasons to chase or sell

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