Posted by wardrobe image posting

[7.3k/Thoth/TriRos] (#131240)

Badland Strider
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Posted on
2024-04-05 14:35:54
so heres the thing; I know how to post normal images, but I'm very confused on how to get my WARDROBE images specifically to work. I've tried right clicking and copying image url, ive tried the direct wardrobe link, Ive tried that gigantic link eve, and hell, I've tried downloading the image to my laptop and then taking it to a hosting site, only for the image to show up completely blank. Can anyone explain to me how to get the wardobe image?? Im so beyond lost

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leon (#208511)

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Posted on
2024-04-05 14:53:35
You need to take a screenshot of the wardrobe image and host that!

Lioden lions and their decorations are not just one merged image--they are a bunch of .pngs stacked on top of each other! There is a blank .png for each decor slot, then there are individual .pngs for the skin, base, eyes, each marking, etc. So the image url you are copying and pasting is probably one of the blank .pngs.

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Edited on 05/04/24 @ 14:54:01 by leon 🌹🍫 (#208511)

[7.3k/Thoth/TriRos] (#131240)

Badland Strider
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-04-05 14:55:13
Thank you!! Oh that finally makes it all make sense. You're my saviour

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leon (#208511)

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Posted on
2024-04-05 14:57:24
You're welcome! Godspeed!

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