Posted by The mother instead of the aunt!

𝐞🦆 (#1 ticked
fan) (#447493)

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Posted on
2024-04-05 14:39:53
Lets be real, we have all seen the cub where, if we frolic with it, we can get a chance to claim the aunt.

This seems unfulfilled to me, just getting the aunt who we might not even like anyways is just there. Its like the lone lioness thing- if you kill the cub, you get into a fight. If you frolic with the cub, you get to claim the aunt. This is why im proposing a new situation to add to it, claiming the mother and the cub! Now, the cub will have many similar features to the mom. If its a chased with one cub, then the cubs look will stay the same as when it was chased. Also, the cubs only known heritage will be the lioness that is its mother.

I know that you may not like this, i understand. I just want to give something new to this underrated interaction. Also, if you claim the aunt there is a 50% chance the cub will come with her, with completely randomized markings except resembling the aunt in something like same base or marking !

This suggestion has 9 supports and 25 NO supports.

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SIDE (#208511)

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Posted on
2024-04-05 14:44:34
Finding cubs in explore is on the instant rejection list.

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Trinket! (Carnigorn
wonder) (#363103)

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Posted on
2024-04-05 14:45:38
I would adore more new cubs =]

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𝐞🦆 (#1 ticked
fan) (#447493)

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Posted on
2024-04-05 14:45:58
Sorry, Should I take this down then as it wont really do anything?

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Edited on 05/04/24 @ 14:46:38 by Kiara (#447493)

SIDE (#208511)

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Posted on
2024-04-05 14:49:24
I don't think it'll hurt either way, but if it's on the list, they either are never going to consider it for the game or it is impossible for the game at this moment. :(

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𝐞🦆 (#1 ticked
fan) (#447493)

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Posted on
2024-04-05 14:50:22
yeah, or they could just implement the mother thing with a chance of the mom coming to your pride along with the aunt

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